

Religion Courses

Web Course Helps

Time Lines

Geography Pages

Notes on the Books of the Bible

RELG 301 - Poetic and Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament

RELG 330 - History of Christianity

RELG 340 - Science and Religion

RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

RELG 433 - Biblical Archaeology

RELG 495 - Senior Seminar

Older Courses

REL 101 - Survey of the Old Testament

REL 103 - Survey of the New Testament

REL 107 - Introduction to Religion

REL 310 - Poetic and Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament

REL 406 - Pauline Literature 1

REL 415 - Pauline Literature 3

RELG 464 - Inter-Testamental Era

REL 491 - History of Jerusalem - directed study

REL 491 - The Acts of the Apostles - directed study

REL 491 - Biblical Leadership - directed study

Language Courses

Greek Textbook

GREK 1110 - Greek 1 (Beginning Greek)

GREK 1120 - Greek 2 (Continuation of Beginning Greek)

Greek Resources

Greek Fonts

Older Courses

GREK 2993 - Workshop in Greek

GR 293 - Greek Reading

GR 301 - Intermediate Greek

GR 302 - Continuation of Intermediate Greek

GR 423 - Advanced Greek

GR 424 - Continuation of Advanced Greek

GR 491 - Advanced Greek Topics

Latin Resources

Latin 01, HUM/REL 293 - Beginning Latin

Latin 02, HUM/REL 293 - Continuation of Beginning Latin

Latin 03, HUM/REL 493 - Intermediate Latin

Latin 04, HUM/REL 493 - Continuation of Intermediate Latin

Latin 05, HUM/REL 493 - Advanced Latin

Personal Pages

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Dr. Shirley Rollinson

PO Box 70, Clovis, NM 88101, USA

Last Updated : December 7, 2024

Copyright © 2001 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved