Lectionary Readings and Hymns
The Gospel according to St. John
The original compilation of the Sunday readings keyed to Bible verses was made by The Rev. Richard R. Losch of St. James' Episcopal Church, Livingston, Alabama, and is copyrighted by him.
The readings follow the lectionary of the Episcopal Church in the USA. The readings are on a three year cycle; the letter A, B, or C, at the end of the reference indicates the year of the cycle in which that Bible passage is used.
Citations in brackets are alternatives for the day.
Hymn numbers are for the Hymnal 1982
The Gospel according to St. John
- 1:1-14 - Christmas Day III ABC, and 1:1-18 - Christmas 1 ABC
- 5 O splendor of God's glory bright
6/7 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
38/39 Jesus, Redeemer of the world
56 O come, O come, Emmanuel
60 Creator of the stars of night
63/64 O heavenly Word, eternal Light
69 What is the crying at Jordan
82 Of the Father's love begotten
85/86 O Savior of our fallen race
88 Sing, O sing, this blessed morn
371 Thou, whose almighty word
381 Thy strong word did cleave the darkness
421 All glory be to God on high
489 The great Creator of the worlds
490 I want to walk as a child of the light
491 Where is this stupendous stranger
630 Thanks to God, whose Word was spoken
632 O Christ, the Word incarnate
633 Word of God, come down on earth
692 I heard the voice of Jesus say
- 1:6-8, 19-28 - Advent 3B
- 59 Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding
65 Prepare the way, O Zion
67 Comfort, comfort ye my people
69 What is the crying at Jordan
75 There's a voice in the wilderness crying
76 On Jordan's bank
- 1:29-41 - Epiphany 2A
- 116 I come, the great Redeemer cries
120 The sinless One to Jordan came
121 Christ, when for us you were baptized
135 Songs of thankfulness and praise
139 When Jesus went to Jordan's stream
307 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
421 All glory be to God on high
448/449 O Love, how deep
495 Hail, thou once despised Jesus
693 Just as I am
- 1:43-51 - Epiphany 2B - no suggestions
- 1:47-51 - St. Michael - no suggestions
- 2:1-11 - Epiphany 2C
- 131/132 When Christ's appearing was made known
135 Songs of thankfulness and praise
138 All praise to you, O Lord
443 From God, Christ's deity came forth
- 2:13-22 - Lent 3B - no suggestions
- 3:1-6 - Trinity B
- 295 Sing praise to our Creator
296 We know that Christ is raised and dies no more
297 Descend, O Spirit, purging flame
- 3:1-17 - Lent 2A
- 295 Sing praise to our Creator
296 We know that Christ is raised and dies no more
297 Descend, O Spirit, purging flame
421 All glory be to God on high
489 The great Creator of the worlds
530 Spread, O spread, thou mighty word
- 3:23-30 - [Advent 3B] - no suggestions
- 4:5-42 - Lent 3A
- 18 As now the sun shines down at noon
245 Praise God for John, evangelist
289 Our Father, by whose servants
327/328 Draw nigh and take
522/523 Glorious things of thee are spoken
649/650 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
692 I heard the voice of Jesus say
699 Jesus, lover of my soul
700 O love that casts out fear
540 Awake, thou Spirit of the watchmen
541 Come, labor on
673 The first one ever, O ever to know
- 6:4-15 - Lent 4B - no suggestions
- 6:24-35 - Proper 13B, and 6:37-51 - Proper 14B, and 6:53-59 - Proper 15B
- 185/186 Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands
245 Praise God for John, evangelist
300 Glory, love, and praise, and honor
301 Bread of the world
302/303 Father, we thank Thee
305/306 Come, risen Lord
307 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
308/309 O Food to pilgrims given
314 Humbly I adore Thee
318 Here, O my Lord
320 Zion, praise thy Savior
323 Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed
335 I am the Bread of Life
339 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
342 O Bread of Life, for sinners broken
460/461 Alleluia, sing to Jesus
472 Hope of the world
644 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
649/650 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
690 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
- 6:60-69 - Proper 16B
- 254 you are the Christ, O Lord
335 I am the Bread of Life
421 All glory be to God on high
- 7:37-39a - Pentecost Vigil ABC
- 245 Praise God for John, evangelist
327/328 Draw nigh and take
649/650 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
690 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
692 I heard the voice of Jesus say
- 9:1-38 - Lent 4A
- 371 Thou, whose almighty word
493 O for a thousand tongues to sing
542 Christ is the world's true Light
567 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
633 Word of God, come down on earth
692 I heard the voice of Jesus say
- 10:1-10 - Easter 4A, and 10:11-36 - Easter 4B, and 10:22-30 - Easter 4C
- 245 Praise God for John, evangelist
334 Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing
343 Shepherd of souls
478 Jesus, our mighty Lord
645/646 The King of love my Shepherd is
708 Savior, like a shepherd lead us
- 11:1-44 - Lent 5A
- 242 How oft, O Lord, thy face hath shone
245 Praise God for John, evangelist
335 I am the Bread of Life
493 O for a thousand tongues to sing
567 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
715 When Jesus wept
- 12:1-11 - Monday in Holy Week ABC - no suggestions
- 12:20-33 - Lent 5B
- 473 Lift high the Cross
479 Glory be to Jesus
490 I want to walk as a child of the light
564/565 He who would valiant be
603/604 When Christ was lifted from the earth
687/688 A mighty fortress
- 12:31-36a - Holy Cross
- 473 Lift high the Cross
490 I want to walk as a child of the light
603/604 When Christ was lifted from the earth
692 I heard the voice of Jesus say
- 12:37-38, 42-50 - Tuesday in Holy Week ABC
- 6/7 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
245 Praise God for John, evangelist
- 13:1-15 - Maundy Thursday ABC
- 602 Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love
- 13:21-35 - Wednesday in Holy Week ABC - no suggestions
- 13:31-35 - Easter 5C - no suggestions
- 14:1-14 - Easter 5A, and 14:6-14 - Sts. Philip & James, and 14:8-17 - [Pentecost Principal ABC]
- 245 Praise God for John, evangelist
457 Thou art the Way, to Thee alone
463/464 He is the Way
478 Jesus our mighty Lord
484/485 Praise the Lord through every nation
487 Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
644 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
- 14:15-21 - Easter 5B, and 14:23-29 - Easter 6C
- 516 Come down, O Love divine
- 15:1-8 - Easter 6A
- 198 Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise
245 Praise God for John, evangelist
323 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed
344 Lord, dismiss us
392 Come, we that love the Lord
513 Like the murmur of the dove's song
- 15:1, 6-16 - St. Matthias, and 15:9-17 - Easter 6B
- 188/189 Love's redeeming work is done
319 You, Lord, we praise in songs of celebration
344 Lord, dismiss us
348 Lord, we have come at your own invitation
392 Come, we that love the Lord
448/449 O love, how deep, how broad, how high
455/456 O Love of God, how strong and true
458 My song is love unknown
657 Love divine, all loves excelling
700 O love that casts out fear
706 In your mercy, Lord, you called me
- 15:17-27 - Sts. Simon & Jude, and 16:(5-11) 12-15 - Trinity C
- 365 Come, Thou Almighty King
514 To Thee, O Comforter divine
- 17:1-11 - Easter 7A, and 17:11b-19 - Easter 7B, and 17:20-26 - Easter 7C
- 305/306 Come, risen Lord
315 Thou, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray
- (18:1-40) 19:1-37 - Good Friday ABC
- 23 The fleeting day is nearly gone
158 Ah, holy Jesus, how hast Thou offended
159 At the cross her vigil keeping
160 Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow
161 The flaming banners of our King
165/166 Sing, my tongue
168/169 O sacred head, sore wounded
171 Go to dark Gethsemane
172 Were you there when they crucified my lord
278 Sing we of the Blessed Mother
307 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
308/309 O Food to pilgrims sweet
458 My song is love unknown
598 Lord Christ, when first Thou cam'st to earth
685 Rock of Ages, cleft for me
- 18:33-37 - Proper 29B - no suggestions
- 19:38-42 - [Holy Saturday ABC]
- 172 Were you there when they crucified my Lord
173 O sorrow deep
458 My song is love unknown
- 20:1-18 - Easter Principal ABC
- 47/48 On this day, the day of days
50 This is the day the Lord hath made
52 this day, at Thy creating word
180 He is risen, He is risen
183 Christians, to the Paschal victim
183 Christ the Lord has risen again, Christ has broken every chain
190 Lift your voice rejoicing, Mary
207 Jesus Christ is risen today
208 The strife is o'er, the battle done
452 Glorious the day when Christ was born
- 20:11-18 - Tuesday in Easter Week A; St. Mary Magdalene
- 190 Lift your voice rejoicing, Mary
- 20:19-23 - Pentecost Principal ABC
- 193 That Easter day with joy was bright
508 Breathe on me, breath of God
- 20:19-31 - Easter 2A
- 193 That Easter day with joy was bright
206 Alleluia, O sons and daughters let us sing
209 We walk by faith, and not by sight
212 Awake, arise, lift up your eyes
508 Breathe on me, breath of God
- 21:1-14 - Friday in Easter Week A; Easter 3
- 661 They cast their nets in Galilee
- 21:15-19 - Sts. Peter & Paul
- 231/232 By all your saints
- 21:19b-24 - St. John
- 245 Praise God for John, evangelist