Lectionary Readings and Hymns
The Revelation of St. John
The original compilation of the Sunday readings keyed to Bible verses was made by The Rev. Richard R. Losch of St. James' Episcopal Church, Livingston, Alabama, and is copyrighted by him.
The readings follow the lectionary of the Episcopal Church in the USA. The readings are on a three year cycle; the letter A, B, or C, at the end of the reference indicates the year of the cycle in which that Bible passage is used.
Citations in brackets are alternatives for the day.
Hymn numbers are for the Hymnal 1982
The Revelation of St. John
- Revelation 1:1-8 - Proper 29B and Revelation 1:(1-8)9-19 - Easter 2C
- 57/58 Lo! He comes , with clouds descending
59 Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding
82 Of the Father's love begotten
231/232 By all your saints
327/328 Draw nigh and take
536 Open your ears, O faithful people
- Revelation 4:1-11 - Trinity C
- 25/26 O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ
48 O day of radiant gladness
235 Come sing, ye choirs exultant
302/303 Father, we thank Thee
362 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
363 Ancient of Days, who sittest enthroned in glory
364 O God, we praise Thee and confess
366 Holy God, we praise Thy Name
367 Round the Lord in glory seated
368 Holy Father, great Creator
401 The God of Abraham praise
494 Crown Him with many crowns
495 Hail, thou once despised Jesus
643 My God, how wonderful thou art
- Revelation 5:6-14 - Easter 3C
- 25/26 O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ
213 Come away to the skies
307 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
374 Come, let us join our cheerful songs
417/418 This is the feast of victory for our God
434 Nature with open volume stands
435 At the Name of Jesus
439 What wondrous love is this
460/461 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
494 Crown Him with many crowns
495 Hail, thou once despised Jesus
535 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
- Revelation 7:2-4, 9-17 - All Saints
- 473 Lift high the cross
697 My God, accept my heart this day
Also the hymns for Revelation 7:9-17 below
- Revelation 7:9-17 - Easter 4C
- 231/232 By all your saints
240/241 Hearken to the anthem glorious
275 Hark! the sound of holy voices
284 O ye immortal throng
286 Who are these like stars appearing
356 May choirs of angels lead you
362 Holy, holy, holy
364 O God, we praise Thee, and confess
366 Holy God, we praise Thy Name
522/523 Glorious things of thee are spoken
535 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
618 Ye watchers and ye holy ones
619 Sing alleluia forth in duteous praise
625 Ye holy angels bright
643 My God, how wonderful Thou art
- Revelation 12:7-12 - St. Michael
- 282/283 Christ, the fair glory
- Revelation 19:1, 4-9 - Easter 5C
- 61/62 Sleepers, wake
174 At the Lamb's high feast we sing
202 The Lamb's high banquet called to share
213 Come away to the skies
316/317 This is the hour of banquet and of song
434 Nature with open volume stands
439 What wondrous love is this
535 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
619 Sing alleluia forth in duteous praise
643 My God, how wonderful Thou art
- Revelation 21:1-7 - Holy Innocents
- 82 Of the Father's love begotten
354 Into paradise may angels lead you
356 May choirs of angels lead you
358 Christ the Victorious, give to your servants
518 Christ is made the sure foundation
519/520 Blessed city, heavenly Salem
522/523 Glorious things of thee are spoken
582/583 O holy city, seen of John
620 Jerusalem, my happy home
621/622 Light's abode, celestial Salem
623 O what their joy and their glory must be
624 Jerusalem the golden
- Revelation 21:22-22:5 - Easter 6C
- 244 Come, pure hearts, in joyful measure
275 Hark, the sound of holy voices
297 Descend, O Spirit, purging flame
366 Holy God, we praise Thy Name
452 Glorious the day when Christ was born
460/461 Alleluia! sing to Jesus
490 I want to walk as a child of the light
522/523 Glorious things of thee are spoken
535 Ye servants of God, your master proclaim
621/622 Light's abode, celestial Salem
672 O very God of very God
- Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20 - Easter 7C
- 6/7 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
40/41 O Christ, you are both light and day
73 The King shall come when morning breaks
496/497 How bright appears the Morning Star
542 Christ is the world/s true Light
613 Thy kingdom come, O God
82 Of the Father's love begotten