Dr. Shirley's Links to Web Resources
Free Web-based Email Providers

Go here for help with dealing with Spam, InterNet Hoaxes, Nigerian ScamSpam, and Viruses
Go here for tips on Safety Precautions when using email

Things to consider when choosing an email provider
- How big is the email box - How much storage space are you allowed for messages
- How stable is the Site - is it often inaccessible, or dificult to log into.
- Does it delete your account if you don't visit it after so many days
- Does it check incoming messages for viruses
- How large a message can you send
- Does it put a limit on the number of addresses to which a message can be sent
- Can you send and receive attachments
- Does it allow you to block messages coming from certain senders
- Does it have spam filtering
- Does it fill up with spam from the provider
- How easy is it to use
- If you want to send messages to a large mailing list of subscribers without being guilty of spamming - see MailChimp below

Alphabetic List of free Email Providers
Providers often change their terms and conditions, particularly the size of the account, or even switch over from free to pay-based accounts with very little warning.
Some providers do not give a clear indication of the amount of space they provide for storing messages. Many do not answer when I ask if they delete the account if it is inactive for any particular length of time.
If the information below is incorrect, if you have positive or negative comments about any of the Providers, or if you find new Providers whom you think should be included, please send a message to Dr. Shirley
If you want to send messages to a large group of subscribers without being guilty of spamming, you must first obtain permission to email your subscribers, then use a bulk mailing system such as
MailChimp, which works in conjunction with an external email account which will receive replies from your subscribers.
The learning curve with MailChimp is steep, but you do get free help for the first few days.
For a searchable data base of email providers, try
Posty - however, the site does not seem to have been updated recently.
Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved
Dr. Rollinson
PO Box 70
NM 88102
Last Updated: June 30, 2017
