Dr. Shirley's Web Courses

New Testament Notes

The Second Epistle of John

The following notes are intended to supplement, not replace, the readings from the Bible and the text book.
Comments or questions should be sent to: Dr. Rollinson.

II John

The author of this epistle is John, the author of John's Gospel and of 1 and 3 John.
The letter was probably written at about the same time as 1 John - it deals with the ongoing problem of false teachers who are perverting the Gospel and deceiving members of the Churches. It is addressed to "the elect (chosen) lady" and her children. The lady may have been a particular lady, or it may refer to one of the churches.



2 John v.1 - John was one of the elders of the Church
2 John v.2 - either a particular Christian lady who is a friend of John's, or elase one of the churches.
2 John v.5-6 - see John 13:34, 1 John 2:7 & 5:3
2 John v.7 - some of the Gnostics, and the Docetists, taught that Jesus only "appeared" to die on the Cross - they thought that God could not possibly undergo such treatment. Some taught that Jesus was never truly human; others taught that an angel took Jesus' place on the Cross - such views refute his sacrificial death and the atonement, and consequently our salvation.
2 John v.11 - welcoming and providing for false teachers would be helping them to spread their deception
2 John v.13 - the "elect sister" may be a Christian sister of the lady addressed in verse 1, or may refer to another Christian church

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Dr. Rollinson

ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : August 9, 2014

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