Dr. Shirley's Web Courses

NASA Mirror Pages

These Pages are provided primarily for students at ENMU (Eastern New Mexico University) who are enrolled in the Course REL 433 - Biblical Archaeology, given by Dr. Shirley Rollinson. They may also be used as general resource material for students taking other courses on Old or New Testament subjects, or for anyone else interested in studying the Bible.

Some of my students have had difficulty accessing the photos on the NASA site, so these pages are provided as an alternative.

The Persian Gulf - Oil Fires

persian gulf

STS037-152-091 Oil Well Fires and Smoke, Kuwait April 1991
The effects of Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein's setting fire to the oil wells in Kuwait during February 1991 is graphically captured in this near-vertical photograph of the northwestern end of the Persian Gulf. The black smoke plumes of more than 700 individual oil well fires are being blown to the south.
Kuwait City is located on the south side of Kuwait Bay, southwest of the Tigris-Euphrates Delta.
Fortunately, the oil well fires were extinguished in much less time than had been originally predicted, and the environmental damage created by the fires and smoke was mostly confined to the immediate region around the northwestern Persian Gulf.


Dr. Rollinson

ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : January 18, 2015

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