Dr. Shirley's Web Courses

REL 101 - Old Testament Survey

Report 7

Please write your answers to the questions as a text file (using NotePad), or in an MS Word document ( .doc file), and send them either as an attachment to the email, or in the body of the email message to these three addresses :
rel101@hellokitty.com, rel101@mail2world.com, rel101@catholic.org

Remember to include your name and email address in the message itself, and at the head of any Word document you send.
Please use all three addresses, in case any of the sites are having problems.
Please don't send Word Perfect Files or any type of file other than MSWord or text files.

NOTE : It is a good idea to prepare an answer page with a word processor and save it to a diskette in the A drive before sending your report - if the computer gives trouble you will still have the answers to send again.

Your Name :

Email address :

A : Write out in full your 6 Key Verses for this week
Give chapter and verse, and write out the full texts.

B :

  1. Who was David's firstborn son, and what happened to him - see also II Samuel, chapter 3
  2. Describe 3 of the deeds of David's warriors (mighty men) - see I Chronicles, chapter 11
  3. Why did God choose Solomon, rather than David, to build the Temple - I Chronicles, chapters 22 & 28
  4. Which King of Judah married a daughter of Jezebel and Ahab (she is also referred to as a daughter of Omri, but she was actually Omri's grand-daughter); who was she, and what were the consequences
  5. Which King of Judah was struck with leprosy, and why
  6. How was God's mercy and forgiveness demonstrated to Manasseh, and how did Manasseh reform his life
  7. Which king of Persia allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, and what did he tell them to do
  8. List the kings of Judah in order, from David to Zedekiah. For each king, indicate whether he was counted as a good king or a bad one.
  9. Which prophet told the Jews that they would return to Jerusalem after 70 years' exile in Babylon
  10. What was the first thing the Jews built when they returned to Jerusalem - see Ezra, chapter 3
  11. Who were the 2 prophets who encouraged the Jews to start rebuilding the Temple
  12. What position did Nehemiah hold in the palace at Shushan
  13. Write an account of Nehemiah's inspection of the walls of Jerusalem
  14. Write an account of the intrigues of Sanballat and accomplices as described in Nehemiah, chapter 6
  15. How did the Jews react when they heard the Law read to them, and what did Ezra and Nehemiah say to encourage them
  16. What impression do you get of the character of king Ahasuerus as you read Esther, chapter 1
  17. How was Esther chosen to become queen
  18. Why did Haman start plotting to destroy the Jews
  19. Why did king Ahasuerus decide to honor Mordecai, and how did this impact Haman
  20. What events does the Jewish Feast of Purim commemorate

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Department of Religion
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated: April 6, 2008

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