Dr. Shirley's Web Courses

REL 101 - Old Testament Survey

Report 13

Please write your answers to the questions as a text file (using NotePad), or in an MS Word document ( .doc file), and send them either as an attachment to the email, or in the body of the email message to these three addresses :
rel101@hellokitty.com, rel101@mail2world.com, rel101@catholic.org

Remember to include your name and email address in the message itself, and at the head of any Word document you send.
Please use all three addresses, in case any of the sites are having problems.
Please don't send Word Perfect Files or any type of file other than MSWord or text files.

NOTE : It is a good idea to prepare an answer page with a word processor and save it to a diskette in the A drive before sending your report - if the computer gives trouble you will still have the answers to send again.

Your Name :

Email address :

A : Write out in full your 6 Key Verses for this week
Give chapter and verse, and write out the full texts.

B :

The class notes for Ezekiel and class notes for Daniel will be helpful for answering some of the questions

  1. According to the text-book or the class notes, about how old was Ezekiel when he was taken captive to Babylon; what was the approximate date?
  2. Write an account of Ezekiel's vision of God - see Ezekiel, chapter 1
  3. Ezekiel, chapters 4 & 5 give two of Ezekiel's "dramatic prophecies". Describe one of these
  4. Ezekiel, chapters 4-24, are addressed primarily to those who remained in Jerusalem, before the final Fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchandezzar. What is the main message - illustrate your answer with one or more verses from this section
  5. Ezekiel, chapters 25-32, are addressed primarily to the nations around Judah, during or after the Fall of Jerusalem. Choose one of them, and describe what God said about them, and what their judgement would be
  6. In Ezekiel, chapter 33, what are the similarities between the prophet and a watchman
  7. In Ezekiel, chapter 34, God speaks against the religious leaders of Judah. Of what does God accuse them, and what does God say He will do to correct the situation
  8. Describe Ezekiel's vision of the valley of bones. What was it to signify for the Jews.
  9. When was Daniel taken to Babylon, and about how old was he?
  10. How did Daniel and his three friends continue to obey the Jewish law in Babylon, and what was ther esult - see Daniel, chapter 1
  11. What was Nebuchadnezzar's first dream, and how did Daniel interpret it - see Daniel, chapter 2
  12. How did Daniel's three friends demonstrate their faith in God, and what was the result - see Daniel, chapter 3
  13. What was Nebuchadnezzar's second dream, and how did Daniel interpret it - see Daniel, chapter 4
  14. Write an account of Belshazzar's feast, and the consequences - see Daniel, chapter 5
  15. How did Daniel demonstrate his faith in God during the reign of Darius - see Daniel, chapter 6
  16. Describe the "beasts" of Daniel's dream (Daniel, chapter 7). What might they have represented?
  17. In Daniel, chapter 8, Daniel describes another of his visions. What might it have meant?
  18. Which king of Persia first gave "the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem". Later kings had to repeat the command, but who was the first one?
  19. How old would Daniel have been when the Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem? Did Daniel return to Jerusalem, or stay on at the Persian court?
  20. What might the "Abomination of Desolation" signify, and when might it have occurred?

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Department of Religion
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated: September 19, 2008

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