Dr. Shirley's Web Courses

REL 101 - Old Testament Survey

Report 14

Please write your answers to the questions as a text file (using NotePad), or in an MS Word document ( .doc file), and send them either as an attachment to the email, or in the body of the email message to these three addresses :
rel101@hellokitty.com, rel101@mail2world.com, rel101@catholic.org

Remember to include your name and email address in the message itself, and at the head of any Word document you send.
Please use all three addresses, in case any of the sites are having problems.
Please don't send Word Perfect Files or any type of file other than MSWord or text files.

NOTE : It is a good idea to prepare an answer page with a word processor and save it to a diskette in the A drive before sending your report - if the computer gives trouble you will still have the answers to send again.

Your Name :

Email address :

A : Write out in full your 6 Key Verses for this week
Give chapter and verse, and write out the full texts.

B :
It may be helpful to refer to the Class Notes for some of the questions

  1. According to the text-book, where and when did Hosea minister as a prophet
  2. How did Hosea's personal life reflect the spiritual life of Israel
  3. Write out a verse which typifies Hosea's message
  4. According to the text-book, what natural disaster does Joel use as an object lesson to warn the people of impending judgement. Write our a verse which illustrates this
  5. Upon whom will God pour out His Spirit, and what will be the results (Joel, chapter 2)
  6. Roughly when did Amos live, and to whom was he sent as a prophet
  7. Amos starts his sermon by denouncing nations and towns who are Israel's neighbors. Write out one verse from this section which illustrates the reasons he gives for the coming judgement
  8. What judgment does Amos bring against Israel and Judah, and why. Will God always stay angry with them, or will He restore some of them
  9. According to the text-book, what was the occasion of Obadiah's prophecy.
  10. Write out a verse which illustrates what Obadiah was protesting about
  11. Where did the Edomites live, and what is the modern name of their capital city. (It is no longer inhabited, but is an archaeological site). How were the Edomites related to Israel
  12. When may Jonah have lived.
  13. Using the textbook or any other sources you wish, write a brief description of Nineveh at the time of Jonah
  14. Write a summary of the events recounted in the Book of Jonah
  15. What does the phrase "not knowing their right hand from their left" mean
  16. When was Micah active as a prophet, and who were his contemporaries
  17. Which two cities are addressed by Micah, and what happened to them shortly after Micah's prophecy
  18. What are some of the things which Micah denounces. Write out a verse which illutrates this
  19. About which other town does Micah prophesy. Write out a verse which illustrates his message
  20. Write out a verse which illustrates how Micah felt about the society in which he lived

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Department of Religion
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated: April 8, 2008

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