REL 231 - History of the Christian Church

Study Topics and Assignments

Week 12 - The West after the Enlightenment
Textbook Readings and Class Notes
  • Chapter 12, pages 340-373
InterNet Resources
  • InterNet Links for Week 12
  • Other useful articles can be found by using GoodSearch
  • You may use Wikipedia to give a lead to other sources and material, but you should not use it as a main source - Do not quote from it
This Week's Assignment : Twenty Questions - Who am I ?

All the people below are mentioned in Chapter 12. Identify them, and write a paragraph on each of them, describing their contributions to the development of the Christian Church, or to the historical setting of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries if they were not active Christians. - for some of these you may have to consult sources other than the textbook

  1. I was a soldier from Corsica who became Emperor of France
  2. I was a Presbyterian minister in Kentucky who started Camp Meetings
  3. I was born in England, became a Methodist minister, and was sent by John Wesley to America, where I took the title of bishop
  4. I was a Presbyterian minister in New York. I had "ministers of music" to help with the Services
  5. I was a Baptist minister who said that Christ would return to earth in 1843 or 1844
  6. I was a woman preacher and writer whom the Seventh Day Adventists regard as a founding authority
  7. I wrote the Book of Mormon and founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  8. I was a member of the British Parliament, who spoke out against slavery in 1789
  9. I was an English newspaper editor who organized the first Sunday Schools
  10. I was the founder of the Salvation Army
  11. I was the founder of the "ragged schools". I was also an English Lord and I introduced bills to improve conditions for workers in mines, factories and mills
  12. I was a Prime Minister of England who helped prostitutes to break with their life-style
  13. I was an American woman temperance activist who attacked taverns with a hatchet
  14. I was a Congregationalist mill-owner in northern England who built a community of good housing for my workers
  15. I was the elder of two brothers who were Quakers and who built a community for the workers at their chocolate factory
  16. I was raised by Moravians, but was influenced by Immanuel Kant and wrote "On Religion" in 1799
  17. I was an American Baptist who worked in the part of New York known as Hell's Kitchen for 11 years before becoming a seminary professor
  18. I was the Pope who formulated the doctrine of the "Immaculate Conception" of the Virgin Mary in 1845
  19. I was an Anglican clergyman who was a member of the Tractarian Group (the Oxford Movement) until I joined the Roman Catholic Church. I later was made a Cardinal
  20. I was a Presbyterian theologian at Princeton who taught that the Bible is the primary reference point for Christians. I wrote some of the articles for "The Fundamentals"

Remember to cite your sources

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document to Turnitin via the Blackboard link

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 20, 2013

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