REL 415 - Pauline Literature III

The Prison and Pastoral Epistles of Paul

Study Topics and Assignments
Week 7 - The Epistle to the Ephesians

Scripture Readings

  • The Epistle to the Ephesians
  • Acts 18:18-21
  • Acts 18:24-28
  • Acts 19:1 - 20:1
  • Acts 20:13-38

Textbook Resources

  • Ephesians : pages 300 - 341

Go here for InterNet Links for this assignment

Other useful articles can be found by using the Topics as Key Words in Search Engines such as GoodSearch

This Week's Assignment : Twenty Questions

Remember to cite your sources

  1. According to the text-book, what are the three Key Themes of the Epistle to the Ephesians
  2. According to the textbook, how long was it after leaving Ephesus that Paul wrote the Epistle, and what had happened during that time
  3. According to the textbook, what were the three main issues that surfaced during the time between Paul leaving Ephesus and his writing the Epistle.
  4. Reflecting on the textbook commentary for Ephesians 1:4, and the text insert on page 306 : "Fate and Astral Powers", how should Christians view horoscopes?
  5. How does Ephesians 1:4-12 describe predestination (from the Bible, rather than the textbook)
  6. According to the textbook, what are the three ways in which evil impinges on people, and how do they affect us
  7. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 2, how does the new covenant in Christ run counter to many misconceptions about salvation. Write out a verse from Ephesians, chapter 2, that illustrates the teaching of Christianity.
  8. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 2, how do "good works" relate to salvation. Write out a verse which illustrates this
  9. According to the textbook, why should Christians remember their past (non-Christian) condition
  10. According to the textbook, how did Jews of that time give the impression that they were closer to God than were the Gentiles? How does the Epistle deal with this attitude. Write out a verse from Ephesians, chapter 2 that illustrates this. How should our Churches demonstrate this to the world
  11. According to the textbook, what three images did Paul use to illustrate the nature of the Church
  12. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 4, what are four (or five) ministries or gifts which God gives to the Church, and what is their main function
  13. According to the textbook, page 326 text insert - describe four false teachings which threatened the Churches. For Docetism and Gnosticism, you may have to refer to some of the InterNet Resources.
  14. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 4, what patterns of thinking and behaviour had characterized the Gentile Christians before they became Christians, and how does Paul describe the changes in their lifestyle on becoming Christians
  15. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 4, what concrete examples did Paul give of where renewal of life needs to take place, and how do they apply to Christians today
  16. According to the textbook, what did the non-Christian Plutarch recommend as a way to deal with anger. How did Paul tell us to deal with anger
  17. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 5, what sorts of behaviour are we to avoid
  18. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 5, what sorts of behaviour should a Christian cultivate
  19. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapters 5 and 6, how are husbands and wives, children and parents, servants and masters, to relate to one another.
  20. According to the textbook, and from Ephesians, chapter 6, how are Christians to prepare for and engage in Spiritual Warfare

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Dr. Rollinson

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Last Updated : March 15, 2012

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