RELG 330 - History of Christianity

Discussion Board

Netiquette Page

Posting a thread

Replying to a thread




The Discussion Board is intended to help you develop skills in communication, and encourage participation by all students in the course. You will all have to take an active part in learning and discussions with your classmates.

If you need help with the technical aspects of a Discussion Board (how to post a thread, how to reply to a thread, etc.) see the Help files on Canvas. Other technical help may be obtained by calling the Computer Help Desk at 575-562-4357 or from the Canvas coordinator, Ellen Gardiner 575-562-2390


Discussing Religion (and politics) is fraught with more than the usual dangers of misunderstanding and anger. Our religious beliefs (or lack of them) are a basic part of our personality, and we tend to feel threatened when encountering other world-views. Please be very careful in your remarks and replies to state your position carefully, with due consideration for the beliefs and feelings of your classmates. Please do not react hastily to any remark which angers you or which you take personally, but try to understand the underlying reasons for the remark, and then reply courteously if appropriate.
Flaming or any attempt to start a Flame War will result in removal from the Discussion Board (and a grade of "F") and may result in closure of the Discussion Board.

The general rules of Netiquette as given by ENMU apply at all times.

Go Here for a page on Netiquette in this course

Think before you post or send
Read through your message carefully and thoughtfully before you post or send.
If in doubt - don't send it

Posting a thread

Your threads should be 300-500 words long. You may write more if you wish.
What you write should be relevant to the topic or question asked.
Be sure to address all parts of a question.
Read the question carefully, and think about it, before you start to write your thread.
Plan to use an introductory paragraph, then develop your thread through at least one more paragraph, and end with a concluding paragraph.
Use correct grammar, spelling, and style. Aim for a polite slightly formal style, rather than being colloquial or using slang or abbreviations.
Use complete sentences and a connected sequence of ideas.
Be sure to cite any sources you use outside the textbook and the course notes.
Try not to copy large chunks of the textbook or notes, and do not copy and paste from the InterNet - always try to express yourself in your own words.
Prepare your thread in a Word-processor, read it carefully, edit it, and save it to disc before posting it.
Threads should be posted by 9 am Wednesday of the relevant week.

Replying to a thread

Read all your classmates' threads, and reply to at least 2 of them
If possible, choose threads which deal with different topics.
Make it clear to whom you are replying, by putting a title such as "Reply to Joe Student" in the Subject line of the reply.
Each reply should be 100-200 words long and contain at least two positive comments about the thread and one suggestion, addition, or question to think about.
Do you have any particular insights and/or experiences which might be helpful to the poster or to your classmates as a whole?
Replies should be posted by 9 am Friday of the relevant week.

NOTE - "I like what you said." or "I agree" and similar remarks are not adequate replies - you must say why you agree or disagree, and you must do so constructively.


Discussion Board Introductions
Introduce yourself to your classmates, by posting an introductory message to the Discussion Board on Canvas.
Things to include might be the State and/or country in which you live, your Major, your interests and hobbies, and what you want to get out of this course.
Get to know your classmates by reading their messages.
You do not need to reply to any messages, but you may do so if you wish.
Students who enter the course during the Drop-Add period should introduce themselves and endeavor to catch up with the class as soon as possible. The Discussion Board is set up to allow late submissions.

Discussion Board 1, Module 1, Beginnings (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Caesar Augustus, the Emperor Trajan, the Emperor Vespasian, Paul of Tarsus, Saint Peter, Stephen, Barnabas, Tertullian, Marcion, Origen, or Polycarp?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 2, Module 2, Beginnings (part 2)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Justin Martyr, Montanus, Clement of Rome, Irenaus of Lyons, Ignatius of Antioch, or Cyprian of Carthage?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 3, Module 3, Acceptance and Conquest (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been : Athanasius of Alexandria, the Emperor Constantius, Ambrose of Milan, the Emperor Theodosius I, or Leo the Great?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 4, Module 4, Acceptance and Conquest (part 2)
Thread 1 : Whom would you most like to have been :
Augustine of Hippo, Ulfilas, Alaric the Goth, Attila the Hun, Jerome, Antony of Egypt, Pachomius, Basil the Great, Saint Patrick, Columba, or Benedict?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people. What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 5, Module 5, A Christian Society (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Augustine of Canterbury, Charlemagne, Alcuin, Thomas Becket, Bernard of Clairvaux, Francis of Assisi, Anselm, or Thomas Aquinas ?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity in Russia?

Discussion Board 6, Module 6, A Christian Society (part 2)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Methodius (apostle to the Slavs), Prince Vladimir, Jan Hus, Savonarola, or John Wycliff?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 7, Module 7, Reformation and Renewal (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Erasmus, Johannes Gutenberg, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Philipp Melanchthon, Huldrych Zwingli, John Knox, or Thomas Cranmer?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 8, Module 8, Reformation and Renewal (part 2)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
William Tyndale, Menno Simons, John Bunyan, Gasparo Contarini, Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavior, Teresa of Avila, or George Fox?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his/her life, and say why you chose him/her rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 9, Module 9, Reason, Revival, and Revolution (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Alexandre de Rhodes, Henry Martin, Thomas Bray, or Count Zinzendorf?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 10, Module 10, Reason, Revival, and Revolution (part 2)
Thread :
Whom would you most like to have been :
Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Francis Asbury, Thomas Coke, René Descartes, Madame Guyon, Peter the Great, or Nikon the Patriarch ?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his/her life, and say why you chose him/her rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 11, Module 11, Cities and Empires (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
Napoleon Bonaparte, Pope Pius IX, William Booth, William Wilberforce, John Keble, John Henry Newman, Charles Spurgeon, D.L.Moody?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 12, Module 12, Cities and Empires (part 2)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have been :
William Carey, Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Henry Venn, Samuel Joseph Isaac Schereschewski, Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 13, Module 13, A Century of Conflict (part 1)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have had as a mentor :
Karl Barth, Martin Niemöller, Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Albert Schweitzer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or Jürgen Moltmann?
Choose whom you would most like to have had as a mentor, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 14, Module 14, A Century of Conflict (part 2)
Thread : Whom would you most like to have had as a mentor :
William Seymour, Dennis Bennet, Paul Yonggi Cho, Cardinal Suenens, C.S.Lewis, or Hélder Câmara?
Choose whom you would most like to have had as a mentor, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the growth of Christianity?

Discussion Board 15, Module 15, A New Millennium
Thread : Imagine that, at some time in the future, you became a leader in your Church or Denomination, or the President of the World Council of Churches, or the Pope (Gals - you are allowed to envision a future in which there is a female Pope):
What would you see as the most important tasks facing you, and what would you do about them?
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different problems.
What are your thoughts about the problems and the suggested actions?

Final Message :
Say goodbye to your classmates, with thanks for ideas and help if appropriate.
If you plan to graduate at the end of this semester, what are your plans for the future?
If you are continuing towards your degree, which courses are you enrolled in for next semester?
You do not need to reply to any of the messages, but you may do so if you wish.

Rubrics and Grading

Discussion Boards 1-15 have the potential of earning 8 points each : 4 for the initial thread, and 2 each for two of your replies to other threads.

Thread - 4 points
CriteriaProficientDevelopingBelow Expectations
Relevance and Accuracy
0 - 2 points
Addresses all the points asked.
Accurate, balanced presentation.
2 points
Misses part of what was asked, or
Some inaccuracies.
1 point
Posts off-topic.
0 points
Style, Length, Timeliness
0 - 2 points
Posted on time.
Meets the length requirement of 300-500 words.
Correct grammar and spelling throughout.
Stylistically elegant.
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate and appropriate.
Tone is appropriate - no use of slang or colloquialisms.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
2 points
Does not meet the length requirement of 300-500 words,. or
Posted up to 24 hours late
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate.
Tone is appropriate.
Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
1 point
Work needs help from the Writing Lab.
Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
Posted more than 24 hours late.
After the Drop-Add period, threads posted more than 24 hours late receive a total score of 0 - zero.
0 points


Replies to two threads - 2 points each
CriteriaProficientDevelopingBelow Expectations
0 - 1 point
Addresses the substance of the thread.
Contains at least two positive comments and one point for reflection on the thread
1 point
Addresses only part of the thread.
Does not contain at least two positive comments and one point for reflection on the thread.
0.5 point
Does not address the thread.
0 points
Style, Timeliness, and Length
0 - 1 point
Correct grammar and spelling throughout.
Sentences are complete.
Tone is appropriate.
Replied on time.
Meets the length requirement of 100-200 words.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
1 point
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes, or
Replied up to 24 hours late, or
Does not meet the length requirement of 100-200 words
0.5 point
Work needs help from the Writing Lab, or
Replied more than 24 hours late, or
Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
0 points

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 27, 2022

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