REL 330 - History of Christianity

Course Notes

Notes on the Textbook

There is no "perfect" textbook. All textbooks have their own strengths and weaknesses. What I look for when choosing a textbook is one which covers all the major points of the History of Christianity, is well-illustrated, is a reasonable size (not too large and heavy, not too thin), has an affordable price, is readily available, and is not out of print. The textbook for this course fulfills those requirements admirably.

The textbook is edited by Tim Dowley, who assembled an international team of scholars to write the different chapters and special articles. Because of this, some of the writers use British English rather than American English spelling and grammar, so you will find variant spellings such as 'saviour' and 'travelled'. This should not confuse you - concentrate on the meaning of what they write, rather than the spelling.
Also, because different authors wrote different chapters, there is some repetition of material, and differing view-points may be reflected in their writing.

Copyright © 2005 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : July 11, 2022

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