RELG 330 - History of Christianity

Course Notes

Chapter 10

Pages 135-137 - Basilica Churches - A basilica, pronounced bas-IL-ika, derived its name from the Greek words for king (βασιλευς, pronounced bas-il-YOU-ss), and kingdom (βασιλεια, pronounced bas-il-AY-ah), a further sign that Christianity was to be associated with the emperor.
A basilica was originally a Greek or Roman official building, used for law courts and other functions.
The basilica churches adopted the architectural style and adapted it for worship services. The basilica churches were usually quite large, and face East (it is expected that when Christ returns he will come from the East.)
The main entrance was on the West end, and at the East end was the apse (the sanctuary) - the place reserved for the priests and deacons and the altar. The congregation stood in the main hall of the church. Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches to this day often only have a few seats or a bench round the walls for the elderly and infirm - everyone else stands throughout the service.
The nave is the main body of the church (called Nave - "boat" - to signify that it was like Noah's Ark - a boat to keep the people safe from the evil world.
There was usually a choir which led the chanting, and they would have a prominent place in the nave.
The apse is the dome-shaped area around and behind the sanctuary - its curved roof represents the cave in which Jesus was born, and the cave in which His body was laid. The bishop and clergy had seats (thrones) or benches in the apse - behind or around the altar area.
The sanctuary with the altar was between the congregational area and the area where the bishop and priests were - this was to symbolize that Christ was in the midst of them all.
Parents who named a son "Basil" were hoping that he would have kingly qualities.

Page 137 - Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. "Hagia Sophia" means "Holy Wisdom". The Church of Hagia Sophia did not commemorating some saint called Sophia, but the divine Wisdom of God.

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