RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Course Papers

Each Paper should be 6 - 10 pages (6,000-10,000 words) long, and should present at least two different views of the subject, and your own reflections upon the subject.
Follow this link to see the rubric for grading

Remember to cite all sources correctly.


Mid-Term Paper for submission by 9 am Wednesday, March 8

  1. Discuss various ways in which Genesis, chapters 1 & 2, may be interpreted. How might the currently prevailing scientific view of the creation of the universe impact these interpretations?
  2. Discuss the history of the relationship between Science and Religion. What are some of the main causes of conflict? Include the political aspects of the conflict


Final Term Paper for submission by 9 am Monday, May 8

  1. Discuss some of the ethical dilemmas raised by current scientific research
  2. Choose one of the scientists we have studied in this course, write an account of his/her life and research, and make an analysis of his/her integration of Science and Religion. How do his/her views compare with your own ideas for the integration of Science and Religion?


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