RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

Final Project - Three Term Papers

Mid-Term Grades

  • There will be no Mid-Term Exam or Mid-Term Paper
  • Midterm grades will be calculated on the work received by 9am, Wednesday, October 11



Final Project, for submission by 9 am, Monday, December 11 - Three Papers

  1. Compare and contrast Christianity with one of the religions derived from Christianity, or with one of the New Religious Movements derived from Christianity.
  2. Compare and contrast Islam with one of the religions derived from Islam, or with one of the New Religious Movements derived from Islam.
  3. Compare and contrast Hinduism with one of the religions derived from Hinduism or with one of the New Religious Movements derived from Hinduism.


NOTE - for the purposes of these Papers, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodoxy are counted as groups within Christianity - they are not a sect, cult, NRM, or other religion.
Likewise, Sunnis, Shi'ites, and Sufis are counted as groups within Islam, rather than a cult, sect, NRM, or other religion. ISIS is a political/military organization rather than an NRM or religion.
If in doubt about your choices, check with the instructor.

Each paper should be 2,000 to 4,000 words in length

When comparing and contrasting a religion, or NRM with its parent religion, describe :

  • Who was the founder of the religion or NRM, and why did he/she break away from the parent religion
  • Are extra writings regarded as Sacred
  • Are extra writings regarded highly, though not as Inspired
  • How do the teachings of the religion or NRM differ from those of the parent religion
  • What is the history of the religion or NRM after the break-away
  • What are the relations between the religion or NRM and the parent religion (persecution? suspicion? excommunication? laissez-faire? amicable?)

Remember to cite your sources

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit the papers to the relevant boxes in Canvas.


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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : July 16, 2023

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