Internet Links
The Samaritans site - the Samaritans have their own News site
The Samaritan News
They also have an educational site
Educational Guide - The Samaritan-Israelites and their Religion
Celebration of Passover
Differences between Samaritans and Jews
Other sites, listed in order of url
Life as a Samaritan in Israel
Samaritan - Wikipedia article. I don't recommend Wikipedia articles, because anyone can write anything at any time. Use this one for its good compilation of sources
The Samaritans - Israeli article
Samaritans - Philtar Site
The Samaritan Passover
Samaritans - Jerusalem Post
Samaritans - Jewish site
The Samaritans Passover Sacrifice - Israeli news article with photos
Samaritans video
Samaritans - another video
The Samaritans - video
Samaritan Passover - video
Samaritan Passover - video
Samaritan Priest recites the Shema in ancient Hebrew - video
Be careful when trolling the InterNet - there are some very strange sites out there. There are also many very good informative ones.
I hope that my students will develop the ability to distinguish a good factual presentation from one which is merely someone's opinion and personal agenda.
When writing, be very careful to cite your sources, and try to put things into your own words, rather than just copy and paste from a web page.
Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson
Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130
Last Updated : December 17, 2022
