RELG 402 - World's Living Religions


A philosophy which became a religion, Taoism was founded in China by Lao-tzu, who is traditionally said to have been born in 604 B.C.
Taoism derives primarily from the Tao-te-ching, a book of teachings which describes the universe as continuously changing as it travels along a path, or Tao.
The Tao can be found only by following its quietude and effortless simplicity. Taoism teaches that people should live simply, spontaneously, and in close touch with nature. They should meditate to achieve contact with the Tao.
Temples and monasteries, maintained by Taoist priests, are important in some Taoist sects.
Since the Communist revolution, Taoism has been actively discouraged in the People's Republic of China, although it continues to flourish in Taiwan.

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 10, 2023

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