RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

Rubrics and Grading

Discussion Boards

Essays and Reflection Papers

Term Papers


Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards 1-14 have the potential of earning 6 points each : 4 for the initial thread, and 1 each for two of your replies to other threads.

Thread - 4 points
CriteriaProficientDevelopingBelow Expectations
Relevance and Accuracy
0 - 2 points
Addresses all the points asked.
Accurate, balanced presentation.
2 points
Misses part of what was asked, or
Some inaccuracies or evident bias.
1 point
Posts off-topic.
0 points
Style, Length, Timeliness
0 - 2 points
Posted on time.
Meets the length requirement of 300-500 words.
Correct grammar and spelling throughout.
Stylistically elegant.
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate and appropriate.
Tone is appropriate - no use of slang or colloquialisms.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
2 points
Does not meet the length requirement of 300-500 words,. or
Posted up to 24 hours late
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate.
Tone is appropriate.
Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
1 point
Work needs help from the Writing Lab.
Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
Posted more than 24 hours late.
After the Drop-Add period, threads posted more than 24 hours late receive a total score of 0 - zero.
0 points


Replies to two threads - 1 point each
CriteriaProficientDevelopingBelow Expectations
0 - 0.5 points
Addresses the substance of the thread.
Contains at least two positive comments and one point for reflection on the thread
0.5 points
Addresses only part of the thread.
Does not contain at least two positive comments and one point for reflection on the thread.
0.25 points
Does not address the thread.
0 points
Style, Timeliness, and Length
0 - 0.5 points
Correct grammar and spelling throughout.
Sentences are complete.
Tone is appropriate.
Replied on time.
Meets the length requirement of 100-200 words.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
0.5 points
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes, or
Replied up to 24 hours late, or
Does not meet the length requirement of 100-200 words
0.25 points
Work needs help from the Writing Lab, or
Replied more than 24 hours late, or
Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
0 points



Essays and Reflection Papers - 20 points each

Essays and Reflection Papers - 20 points each
CriteriaProficientDevelopingBelow Expectations
Relevance and Content
0 - 4 points
Addresses all the points asked, though some may be less adequately addressed.
4 points
Misses part of what was asked.
2 points
Writes off-topic.
0 points
Critical Thinking and Accuracy
0 - 4 points
Shows evidence of careful thought,
and analysis of the situation.
States ideas and information accurately.
If reporting material from other sources, cites them accurately.
4 points
Shows some evidence of thought about the topic, but
Makes mistakes in accuracy.
2 points
Tends to copy material without evidence of thought or analysis, or
makes several mistakes in accuracy.
0 points
Cultural Sensitivity
0 - 4 points
Shows an awareness and respect for the beliefs, views, and feelings of others. Takes the initiative in communication with members of other religious groups.
4 points
Tends to focus on one's own beliefs and views, but shows some awareness and respect for the beliefs, views, and feelings of others.
2 points
Shows little awareness of, or respect for, the beliefs, views, and feelings of others.
0 points
0 - 4 points
Correct grammar and spelling throughout.
Stylistically elegant.
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate and appropriate.
Tone is appropriate - no use of slang or colloquialisms.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
4 points
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate.
Tone is appropriate.
Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
2 points
Work needs help from the Writing Lab.
Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
0 points
Timeliness and Length
0 - 4 points
Submitted on time.
Meets the length requirement of 1,000-3,000 words.
4 points
Submitted late, or
Does not meet the length requirement of 1,000-3,000 words.
2 points
Submitted late, and does not meet the length requirement of 1,000-3,000 words.
Not submitted
0 points



Term Papers - 25 points each

Term Papers - 25 points each
CriteriaProficientDevelopingBelow Expectations
Relevance and Content
0 - 5 points
Addresses both the parent religion and the NRM
Addresses all or most of the relevant areas.
5 points
Misses part of what was asked.
1 - 4 points
Writes off-topic.
Choice of NRM is incorrect.
0 points
Critical Thinking and Accuracy
0 - 5 points
Shows evidence of careful thought,
and analysis of the topic.
States ideas and information accurately.
If reporting material from other sources, cites them accurately.
5 points
Shows some evidence of thought about the topic, but
Makes mistakes in accuracy.
1 - 4 points
Tends to copy material without evidence of thought or analysis, or
Makes inaccurate assertions.
0 points
Cultural Sensitivity
0 - 5 points
Shows an awareness and respect for the beliefs, views, and feelings of others. Takes the initiative in communication with members of other religious groups.
5 points
Tends to focus on one's own beliefs and views, but shows some awareness and respect for the beliefs, views, and feelings of others.
1 - 4 points
Shows little awareness of, or respect for, the beliefs, views, and feelings of others.
0 points
0 - 5 points
Correct grammar and spelling throughout.
Stylistically elegant.
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate and appropriate.
Tone is appropriate - no use of slang or colloquialisms.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
5 points
Sentences are complete.
Word choice is accurate.
Tone is appropriate.
Some grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
1 - 4 points
Work needs help from the Writing Lab.
Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material.
0 points
Timeliness and Length
0 - 5 points
Submitted on time.
Meets the length requirement of 2,000-4,000 words.
5 points
Submitted late, or
Does not meet the length requirement of 2,000-4,000 words.
1 - 4 points
Not submitted
0 points



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Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 8, 2022

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