RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

How various Worldviews answer the Five Basic Questions

These notes are adapted from the Presentation given by the Rev. Canon Scott A. Ruthven at "Streams in the Desert", Socorro, New Mexico, 2005.
With grateful thanks, Shirley Rollinson

Go here for the Introduction to Worldviews
The Five Basic Questions and the ways people answer them
  1. Who (What) is Ultimate Reality ?
    No "god". The physical world
    New Age
    God is impersonal and amoral; Pantheism - god, the world, and every human is one.
    Clock-maker Unitarian God
    The universe has no center; reason cannot perceive a structure to it.
    Constructs can be useful, but they are not necessarily objective truth.
    Life is a collection of experiences and transitory fleeting images
    Any sense of God is individualistic; if it is meaningful to you, then fine
    One Triune God : Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who has revealed Himself.
    God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, living, personal, Holy, good, loving, merciful
    Creator ex nihilo of everything
    Incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, died, buried, rose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of the Father
  2. What's the Universe like ?
    The material universe is the sum total of everything
    Nothing exists outside the natural order - there is nothing supernatural
    Everything is due to cause and effect
    Material always existed, and it evolved into the universe
    Death is the end of everything
    New Age
    Divine. Oneness. At death one goes to be part of the one, and individual existence ceases
    Clock-maker God created an orderly universe and then left it running
    Nothing exists outside the natural order - there is nothing supernatural
    Death is not the end of everything
    It is impossible to know the Universe
    We inhabit a globe consisting of multiple realities, so different people construct different stories about the world they encounter
    An objectively known Universe is not possible
    Scientific enquiry is limited
    Open system, created by God ex nihilo
    Separate from God, though He is immanent and sometimes intervenes
    The "supernatural" is natural
    Orderly Universe. Science is the study of what God has done
    It will eventually end when Jesus returns
    There will be eternal life - in heaven or in hell
  3. How do we know what we know ?
    5 senses; human experience; rational thought; scientific method
    Look for the cause of every effect
    New Age
    Truth lies within every human being; get in touch with it through mystical conscience; once in touch one becomes an enlightened spiritual guide
    5 senses; empirically; human experience; rational thought; scientific method
    Look for the cause of every effect
    All claims to truth are socially conditioned
    Truth and fiction are blurred; pluralistic view of knowledge
    5 senses plus thinking and reflecting, plus experience, though our perception is fallen and we need "right reason" informed by the Holy Spirit, plus revelation from God
  4. Who are we, and what are we doing here ?
    Humans are highly-evolved animals
    To discover; to build a utopia; basically good; continuing evolution
    New Age
    We are spiritual beings who are gods. To get in touch with this will release godness; Working out good karma; We are all divine
    Humans have evolved into the highest animals as planned by God
    To discover; to build a utopia; basically good; continuing evolution
    No utopian illusions about the future
    Undermine concepts of power, and replace them with concepts of diversity; we are to celebrate diversity
    Created by God in his image (mental and spiritual faculties shared with God)
    Rational, creative, and morally responsible
    We have free will to do what we choose - God does not force us
    Each human is unique
    We are here to be God's vice-regents in the world; to glorify God; to grow spiritually; to do God's will
  5. What's the Problem, and what's the solution ?
    Natural ignorance and superstition
    Solution - reason, technology, scientific advancement
    New Age
    Untapped energy or potential. Ignorance of our human potential
    Truth is within, we are sleeping gods
    Solution - transformation of consciousness; a continual process of consciousness; meditation, crystals, New Age therapies
    Natural ignorance and superstition
    Solution - reason, technology, scientific advancement
    The problem is the Enlightenment approach to everything
    Any kind of grand narrative about reality is no longer credible
    It is no longer viable to have one system, one construct, one myth
    The solution is to declare war on "Totality"
    Actively embrace plurality in all aspects of life
    Man misused free will, and in the midst of gracious abundance defied God's command
    Rebellion caused a continual struggle for power, and alienation from God, from each other, and from all creation
    God's Solution - the Cross; confession of sin, repentance, restoration of the relationship between God and man through Jesus Christ

Copyright © 2005 Scott A. Ruthven, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 8, 2022

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