RELG 433 - Biblical Archaeology
Study Topics and Assignments
Module 8
The Late Bronze Age, ca. 1,550 - 1,200 BC
Module Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :
- Describe and discuss the settings for the Exodus (CLO D)
- Describe and discuss archaeological evidence for floods in the ancient world (CLO C)
- Describe and discuss current academic views on pre-Abrahamic chronology (CLO D)
- Describe and discuss the Late Bronze Age in Canaan (CLOs C & D)
- Describe and discuss the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites (CLOs C & D)
- Describe and discuss Canaanite Religion (CLOs C & D)
Textbook and Bible Readings
The Bible readings are quite long. It is not necessary to study them in depth, but do try to read through them (as if you were reading a newspaper or a book) to get the sequence of events and to fill in some of the things you did not learn in Sunday School.
- Textbook, chapter 8, "The Exodus and Mount Sinai"
- Textbook, chapter 9, "First Things - From Creation to the Towel of Babel"
- Textbook, chapter 10, "The Wilderness Wanderings and the Conquest"
- Bible, Genesis, chapters 1-11
- Bible, the Book of Joshua
- Go here for illustrations for Chapter 8
- Go here for illustrations for Chapter 9
- Go here for illustrations for Chapter 10
Course Notes
- Go here for notes on the Late Bronze Age in Canaan
- Go here for notes on the Late Bronze Age elsewhere
- Go here for a map of the Exodus
- Go here for the timeline of period
InterNet Resources
- Go here for Page of Links to InterNet Resources
Reading Report
Prepare a Reading Report, in which you write a paragraph (ca. 300-500 words) on each of these topics.
- Possible locations of the "Reed Sea"
- Grumblings on the way to Sinai
- At Mount Sinai
- The Ten Commandments
- Other sections of the Old Testament Law
- The Golden Calf
- The number of people in the Exodus
- Possible dating schemes for the Exodus
- Egyptian texts and beliefs about Creation
- Mesopotamian texts and beliefs about Creation
- Theories about the location of "Eden"
- Leonard Woolley's Flood theory
- Mount Ararat and theories about the Ark of Noah
- Mesopotamian Flood texts and traditions
- Theories about the Tower of Babel
- The Israelites in the wilderness
- The Entry into the Promised Land
- The Fall of Jericho
- Into the Hill Country
- Canaanite Religion
Discussion Board 8
Thread - Discuss some of the problems which are still to be settled with archaeological dating and the Biblical chronology.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads.
Reading Report on Module 8
Submit your Reading Report to the correct box in Canvas by the due date
Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson
ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130
Last Updated : February 23, 2022
