RELG 433 - Biblical Archaeology
Study Topics and Assignments
Module 9 - Iron Age I
ca. 1,200 - 1,000 BC
Philistines, the Days of the Judges
Module Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :
- Describe and discuss the early Israelite culture during Iron Age I (CLOs C & D)
- Describe and discuss the Egyptian presence in Canaan during Iron Age I (CLOs C & D)
- Describe and discuss the Philistine culture in Canaan (CLOs C & D)
Textbook and Bible Readings
The Bible readings are quite long. It is not necessary to study them in depth, but do try to read through them (as if you were reading a newspaper or a book) to get the sequence of events and to fill in some of the things you did not learn in Sunday School.
- Textbook, chapter 11, "Joshua's Closing Years and the Period of the Judges"
- Textbook, chapter 12, "The Beginnings of Kingship"
- Bible, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel chapters 1-8
- Go here for illustrations for Chapter 11
- Go here for illustrations for Chapter 12
Course Notes
- Go here for Notes on Iron Age I
- Go here for Notes on the Time of the Judges
- Go here for a map for the period
- Go here for the timeline of the period
InterNet Resources
- Go here for Page of Links to InterNet Resources
Reading Report
Prepare a Reading Report, in which you write a paragraph (ca. 300-500 words) on each of these topics.
- The Period of the Judges
- Egyptian power in Canaan
- Transition from the Bronze Ages to the Iron Ages
- The Sea Peoples
- The Judges
- The travels of Wen-Amon
- Samuel and the Ark of the Covenant
- Saul
- The early days of David
- The Philistines
Discussion Board 9
Thread - Whom would you like to have been :
- Rahab of Jericho
- Deborah the Judge
- Jael the wife of Heber
- Naomi the wife of Elimelech
Choose whom you would most like to have been, describe what her life was probably like, and say why you chose her rather than any of the others.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
Reading Report on Module 9
Submit your Reading Report to the correct box in Canvas by the due date
Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson
ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130
Last Updated : February 22, 2022
