Thread - 4 points | |||
Criteria | Proficient | Developing | Below Expectations |
Relevance and Accuracy 0 - 2 points |
Addresses all the points asked. Accurate, balanced presentation. 2 points |
Misses part of what was asked, or Some inaccuracies. 1 point |
Posts off-topic. 0 points |
Style, Length, Timeliness 0 - 2 points |
Posted on time. Meets the length requirement of 300-500 words. Correct grammar and spelling throughout. Stylistically elegant. Sentences are complete. Word choice is accurate and appropriate. Tone is appropriate - no use of slang or colloquialisms. Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. 2 points |
Sentences are complete. Word choice is accurate. Tone is appropriate. Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes. Does not meet the length requirement of 300-500 words, or Posted up to 24 hours late Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. 1 point |
Work needs help from the Writing Lab. Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. Posted more than 24 hours late. After the Drop-Add period, threads posted more than 24 hours late receive a total score of 0 - zero. 0 points |
Replies to two threads - 1 point each | |||
Criteria | Proficient | Developing | Below Expectations |
Relevance 0 - 0.5 point |
Addresses the substance of the thread. Contains at least two positive comments and one point for reflection on the thread 0.5 point |
Addresses only part of the thread. Does not contain at least two positive comments and one point for reflection on the thread. 0.25 point |
Does not address the thread. 0 points |
Style, Timeliness, and Length 0 - 0.5 point |
Correct grammar and spelling throughout. Sentences are complete. Tone is appropriate. Replied on time. Meets the length requirement of 100-200 words. Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. 0.5 point |
Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. Some minor grammatical or spelling mistakes, or Replied up to 24 hours late, or Does not meet the length requirement of 100-200 words 0.25 point |
Work needs help from the Writing Lab, or Replied more than 24 hours late, or Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. 0 points |
Term Paper - 40 points | |||
Criteria | Proficient | Developing | Below Expectations |
Relevance and Content 0 - 20 points |
Addresses all the points asked, though some may be less adequately addressed. 15 - 20 points |
Misses part of what was asked. 1 - 14 points |
Writes off-topic. 0 points |
Critical Thinking and Accuracy 0 - 10 points |
Shows evidence of careful thought, insight, and analysis of the topic. States ideas and information accurately. If reporting material from other sources, cites them accurately. 10 points |
Shows some evidence of thought about the topic, but Makes mistakes in accuracy. 1 - 9 points |
Tends to copy material without evidence of thought or analysis, or Makes inaccurate assertions. 0 points |
Style, Timeliness and Length 0 - 10 points |
Correct grammar and spelling throughout. Stylistically elegant. Sentences are complete. Word choice is accurate and appropriate. Tone is appropriate - no use of slang or colloquialisms. Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. Submitted on time. Meets the length requirement of 2-5 pages (2,000-5,000 words). 10 points |
Sentences are complete. Word choice is accurate. Tone is appropriate. Some grammatical or spelling mistakes. Work is free of plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. Submitted late, or Does not meet the length requirement of 2-5 pages (2,000-5,000 words). 1 - 9 points |
Work needs help from the Writing Lab. Plagiarism or excessive copy-and-paste material. or Not submitted 0 points |
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