Geography Pages

Map of the Punic wars


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The territory controlled by a king or people varied from time to time, and was often disputed by other peoples. An approximation to the modern coast-line is generally used in the maps.

map of the Punic Wars

The three Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Carthage, during the period 264-146 BC.
The name "Punic" is derived from Poeni, the Roman name for the Carthaginians, reflecting their origins as a Phoenician settlement.

Carthage was founded ca. After the Greek-Persian Wars (490-449 BC) and the fall of Tyre to Alexander the Great in 333 BC the Phoenicians lost their control of the Mediterranean, and Carthage arose as the leading maritime power. The Carthaginians founded settlements throughout the western Mediterranean, including Carrtagena (New Carthage) in Spain, and controlled most of the island of Sicily, between Africa and Italy.

At the start of the Puinc Wars, Rome contolled a loose confederation of Italian tribes, with an agriculture-based economy, an army composed of citzen soldiers and members from affiliated tribes, and no fighting navy. Carthage had a trade-based economy and contolled a large territory in both Africa and Europe; it had an army of hired mercenaries, and a superb navy.
At the end of the wars, Rome had become a military power, had learned how to build and use warships, and had a navy capable of ruling the seas and an army capable of marching into and conquering other countries. Carthage was annihilated - most of its citizens were dead either in warfare or by starvation; the rest were sold into slavery. The wars served to turn Rome's attention to the east, and gave impetus to the series of invasions and conquests which led to the spread of the Republic and eventually the Roman Empire.

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