Dr. Shirley's Resource Pages
Metric List of Hymn Tunes
Short Meter, Common Meter, Long Meter
According to the Canons of the Episcopal Church, the manner in which a Worship Service is to be conducted the responsibility of the Clergy in Charge. This includes the choice of music.
However, the choice of hymns for a particular Worship Service may be delegated to the person leading the Service. Lay Leaders should, therefore, be able to make appropriate choices for hymns to accompany any Service which they may lead.
Some congregations rely on pre-recorded music or MIDI files. These systems usually do not have all the hymn tunes in their memory bank. However, tunes may be substituted for one another if they have the same meter and the same pattern of stresses. If substituting a tune, make sure that it is a familiar one, and sing through it to make sure that it fits, before choosing it.
Lists of other hymn tunes :
The tunes are listed by meter, followed by the name of the tune, then the number in the Hymnal 1982 and the first line of the hymn in italics
- 66. 86 - Short Meter, SM
- Bellwoods : 600 O day of God, draw nigh
- Carlisle : 138 All praise to you, O Lord; 592 Teach me, my God and King
- Festal Song : 551 Rise up, ye saints of God
- Franconia : 656 Blest are the pure in heart
- Nova Vita : 508 Breathe on me, Breath of God
- St. Bride : 666 Out of the depths I call
- St. Ethelwald : 181 Awake and sing the song; 628 Help us, O Lord, to learn
- St. George : 267 Praise we the Lord this day; 279 For thy dear saints, O Lord
- St. Michael : 601 O day of God, draw nigh
- St. Thomas (Williams) : 411 O bless the Lord, my soul; 524 I love Thy kingdom, Lord
- Silver Street : 548 Soldiers of Christ, arise
- Southwell : 641 Lord Jesus, think on me
- 66. 86 + Refrain - Short Meter with Refrain
- Marion : 556 Rejoice, ye pure in heart, 66. 86 + Ref 46
- Vineyard Haven : 392 Come, we that love the Lord, 66. 86 + Ref 66; 557 Rejoice, ye pure in heart, 66. 86 + Ref 46
- 66. 86. D - Short Meter Double
- Diademata : 494 Crown Him with many crowns
- Mercer Street : 651 This is my Father's world
- 86. 86 - Common Meter, CM
- Azmon : 493 O for a thousand tongues to sing
- Bangor : 164 Alone thou goest forth; 672 O very God of very God
- Beatitudo : 683 O for a closer walk with God
- Bristol : 71 Hark! the glad sound!
- Burford : 668 I to the hills will lift mine eyes
- Caithness : 121 Christ, when for us;352 O God, to those who here profess;684 O for a closer walk with God
- Call Street : 588 Almighty God, your word is cast
- Chelsea Square : 521 Put forth, O God, Thy Spirit's might
- Cheshire : 581 Where charity and love prevail
- Cornhill : 144 Lord Jesus, Son of righteousness
- Crimond : 663 The Lord my God my Shepherd is
- Culross : 584 God, you have given us power
- Detroit : 674 Forgive or sins, as we forgive
- Dundee : 126 The people who in darkness; 526 Let saints on earth in concert sing; 709 O God of Bethel, by whose hand
- Dunlap's Creek : 276 See thy blest saints
- Durham : 415 When all thy mercies, O my God
- Edmonton : 257 O Zion, open wide
- Epworth : 476 Can we by searching find out God
- Georgetown : 661 They cast their nets in Galilee
- Gerontius : 445 Praise to the Holiest in the height
- Hampton : 95 While shepherds watched
- Horsley : 167 There is a green hill far away
- Irish : 428 O all ye works of God
- Land of Rest : 304 I come with joy; 620 Jerusalem, my happy home
- London New : 50 This is the day; 251 O God, whom neither; 677 God moves in a mysterious way
- Manchester : 364 O God, we praise Thee
- Marsh Chapel : 547 Awake, O sleeper
- Martyrdom : 658 As longs the deer for cooling
- McKee : 529 In Christ there is no East or West
- New Britain : 671 Amazing grace
- Newman : 446 Praise to the Holiest in the height
- Nun danket all und bringet Ehr : 374 Come, let us join our cheerful songs; 509 Spirit divine, attend our prayers; 627 Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace
- Perry : 125 The people who in darkness
- Richmond : 72 Hark! the glad sound!; 212 Awake, arise, lift up your voices
- St. Agnes : 343 Shepherd of souls; 510 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove
- St. Anne : 680 O God, our help in ages past
- St. Botolph : 209 We walk by faith; 603 When Christ was lifted from
- St. Flavian : 142 Lord, who throughout; 332 O God, unseen, yet ever near; 615 Thy kingdom come! on bended
- St. Fulbert : 545 Lo! what a cloud of witnesses; 682 I love thee, Lord, but not because
- St. James : 457 Thou art the Way, to Thee alone
- St. Magnus : 447 The Christ who died but rose again; 483 The head that once was crowned
- St. Peter : 644 How sweet the Name of Jesus
- St. Stephen : 73 The King shall come when morning
- San Rocco : 253 Give us the wings of faith; 604 When Christ was lifted from
- Shorney : 369 How wondrous great
- Song 67 : 697 My God, accept my heart this day
- Tallis' Ordinal : 260 Come now and praise; 489 The great Creator of the worlds
- This Endris Nyght : 116 "I come." the great Redeemer cries
- Walden : 589 Almighty God, your word is cast
- Winchester Old : 94 While shepherds watched
- Windsor : 642 Jesus, the very thought of thee; 643 My God, how wonderful thou art
- York : 462 The Lord will come and not be slow
- 86. 86 + Refrain, Common Meter + Refrain, CM + Refrain
- Antioch : 100 Joy to the world CM + Repeat 6. 10
- 86. 86. 86. 86 - Common Meter Double, CMD
- Carol : 89 It came upon the midnight clear
- Forest Green : 78 O little town of Bethlehem; 398 I sing the almighty power of God; 705 As those of old their first-fruits
- Halifax : 459 And have the bright immensities; 629 We limit not the truth of God
- Kingsfold : 292 O Jesus, crowned with all renown; 480 When Jesus left His Father's throne
- Laramie : 647 I know not where the road will lead
- Materna : 719 O beautiful for spacious skies
- Noel : 90 It came upon the midnight clear; 245 Praise God for John, evangelist
- Resignation : 664 My Shepherd will supply my need
- St. Louis : 79 O little town of Bethlehem
- St. Matthew : 567 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
- Salvation : 243 When Stephen
- The Church's Desolation : 566 From thee all skill and science
- The Third Tune : 170 To mock your reign; 692 I heard the voice of Jesus say
- 88. 88, Long Meter, LM
- A la venue de Noël : 152 Kind Maker of the world
- Ach, bleib bei uns : 465 Eternal Light, shine in my heart
- Ad cenam Agni providi : 202 The Lamb's high banquet
- Adon Olam : 425 Sing now with joy unto the Lord
- Aeterne Rex altissime : 136 O wondrous type; 220 O Lord most high, eternal King
- Bourbon : 147 Now let us all with one accord; 675 Take up your cross, the Savior said
- Breslau : 281 He sat to watch; 471 We sing the praise of Him who died
- Bromley : 28 O blest Creator; 29 O Trinity of blessed light
- Christe, qui Lux es et dies : 40 O Christ, you are
- Christe, Redemptor omnium : 85 O Savior of our fallen race
- Complie : 41 O Christ, you are
- Conditor alme siderum : 26 O gracious light; 60 Creator of the stars of night
- Cornish : 229 Spirit of mercy; 256 A light from heaven
- Danby : 12 The golden sun lights up the sky
- de Tar : 456 O Love of God, how strong and true; 659 O Master, let me walk with thee
- Deo Gracias : 218 A hymn of glory - LM + Alleluias 884; 449 O love, how deep, how broad
- Deus tuorum militum : 285 What thanks and praise; 448 O love, how deep, how broad
- Dicamus laudes Domino : 16 Now let us sing
- Dickinson College : 593 Lord, make us servants; 649 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
- Du meiner Seelen : 23 The fleeting day
- Duke Street : 544 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
- Dunedin : 31 Most Holy God; 455 O Love of God, how strong and true
- Elmhurst : 133 O Light of Light
- Eltham : 434 Nature with open volume stands; 578 O God of love, O King of peace
- Erhalt uns, Herr : 132 When Christ's appearing; 143 The glory of these forty days; 297 Descend, O Spirit
- Ex more docti mystico : 146 Now let us all with one accord
- Gardiner : 609 Where cross the crowded ways
- Gonfalon Royal : 86 O Savior of our fallen race; 221 O Lord most high, eternal King; 234 The eternal gifts of Christ
- Hereford : 704 O thou who camest from above
- Herr Jesu Christ : 3 Now that the daylight; 310 O saving Victim, opening wide
- Hilariter : 211 the whole bright world rejoices now
- Immense caeli Conditor : 32 Most Holy God
- In Bethlehem : 246 In Bethlehem
- Jacob : 242 How oft, O Lord; 466 Eternal Light, shine in my heart
- Jam lucis orto sidere : 217 A hymn of glory
- Jesu dulcis memoria : 18 As now the sun; 134 O Light of Light; 650 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
- Jesu, nostra redemptio : 38 Jesus, Redeemer of the world; 233 The eternal gifts of Christ; 236 King of the martyrs
- Kedron : 10 New every morning; 163 Sunset to sunrise
- King : 395 Creating God, your fingers grace
- Komm, Gott Schöpfer : 501 O Holy Spirit, by whose breath
- Lledrod : 299 Spirit of God, unleashed on earth
- Lucis Creator optime : 27 O blest Creator
- Maryton : 660 O Master, let me walk with thee
- Melcombe : 531 O Spirit of the living God
- Mendon : 419 Lord of all being; 512 Come gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
- Morning Hymn : 11 Awake, my soul
- Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus : 19 Now Holy Spirit
- O Heiland, reiss : 14 O God, creation's secret source; 64 O heavenly Word
- O lux beata Trinitas : 30 O Trinity of blessed light
- Old 100th : 377/378 All people that on earth do dwell; 380 From all that dwell below the skies
- Parker : 222 Rejoice, the Lord of life ascends
- Pentecost : 552 Fight the good fight
- Puer nobis : 124 What star is this; 193 That Easter day with joy was bright
- Quem terra, pontus, aethera : 263 The Word whom earth and sea
- Rector potens, verax Deus : 22 O God of truth
- Rockingham : 321 My God, Thy table now is spread; 474 When I survey the wondrous Cross
- Rushford : 52 This day at thy creating word; 553 Fight the good fight
- Solemnis haec festivitas : 17 Now let us sing; 120 The sinless one to Jordan came
- Song 34 : 21 O God of truth; 264 The Word whom earth and sea
- Splendor paternae gloriae : 5 O splendor of God's glory
- Te lucis ante terminum (Sarum) : 15 O God, creation's secret source; 44/45 To you, before the close
- Tender Thought : 702 Lord, thou hast searched me
- The Eighth Tune : 25 O gracious light; 43 All praise to Thee, my God
- The King's Majesty : 156 Ride on, ride on
- The Truth from Above : 272 The great fore-runner
- Truro : 182 Christ is alive!; 436 Life up your heads, ye mighty
- Uffingham : 148 Creator of the earth and skies
- Ut queant laxis : 271 The great fore-runner
- Veni Creator Spiritus : 502 O Holy Spirit, by whose breath; 504 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
- Veni Redemptor gentium : 55 Redeemer of the nations, come
- Verbum supernum prodiens (Einsiedeln) : 4 Now that the daylight; 13 The golden sun lights up the sky; 63 O heavenly Word; 311 O saving Victim, opening wide
- Vexilla Regis prodeunt : 161 The flaming banners of our King; 162 The royal banners forward go
- Vom Himmel hoch : 80 From heaven above
- Vom Himmel kem der Engel Schar : 77 From east to west; 131 When Christ's appearing
- Wareham : 20 Now Holy Spirit; 137 O wondrous type; 353 Your love, O God, has called us
- When Jesus Wept : 715 When Jesus wept, the falling tear
- Wilderness : 39 Jesus, Redeemer of the world; 394 Creating God, your fingers grace
- Winchester New : 76 On Jordan's bank; 391 Before the Lord's eternal throne
- Woodworth : 693 Just as I am
- 88. 88 + Alleluia(s), Long Meter with Alleluia(s), LM with Alleluia(s)
- Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag : 201 On earth has dawned this day - LM + Alleluia 4
- Deo gracias : 218 A hymn of glory - LM + Alleluias 884
- Frohlockt mit Freud : 452 Glorious the day when Christ - LM + Alleluias 444
- 88. 88 + Refrain, Long Meter with Refrain, LM with Refrain
- Grand Prairie : 197 Look there! the Christ - LM + Ref 448. 448
- Hosanna : 486 Hosanna to the living Lord - LM + Ref 47
- Petrus : 196 Look there! the Christ - LM + Ref 448. 448
- Veni, veni Emmanuel : 56 O come, O come, Emmanuel - LM + Ref 484
- 88. 88. D, Long Meter Double, LMD
- Creation : 409 The spacious firmament on high
- Jerusalem : 597 O day of peace that dimly shines
- St. Patrick's Breastplate : 370 I bind unto myself today
- Schmücke dich : 339 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness