According to the Canons of the Episcopal Church, the manner in which a Worship Service is to be conducted the responsibility of the Clergy in Charge. This includes the choice of music.
However, the choice of hymns for a particular Worship Service may be delegated to the person leading the Service. Lay Leaders should, therefore, be able to make appropriate choices for hymns to accompany any Service which they may lead.
Some congregations rely on pre-recorded music or MIDI files. These systems usually do not have all the hymn tunes in their memory bank. However, tunes may be substituted for one another if they have the same meter and the same pattern of stresses. If substituting a tune, make sure that it is a familiar one, and sing through it to make sure that it fits, before choosing it.
The tunes are listed by meter, followed by the name of the tune, then the number in the Hymnal 1982 and the first line of the hymn in italics