GR 201 - Beginning Greek

Word-Processing in ancient Greek

Greek Font

To be able to read the Course Web Pages properly, and to work on assignments and reports, you will need a polytonic Unicode Greek font on your computer.
The latest versions of Times New Roman should include the polytonic ("many accents") range for Greek.

Here's a check to see if your computer has a polytonic Unicode font installed :
If you see a row of eight accented Greek characters on the left which are similar to the ones on the right (not necessarily the same font), then you already have a Unicode polytonic Greek font installed and your computer should be ready to read (but not necessarily to write) polytonic Greek texts.

ἀ έ ῃ ϊ ὸ ῥ ϋ ᾧ      

If you see some boxes amongst the characters, then you need to download and install a polytonic Greek Unicode font. This will enable you to read not only the basic Greek characters, but all the combinations of accents and breathings which are used with ancient Greek.

Go here for an MSWord .doc file which will tell you about Unicode Greek fonts
Or here for a similar .pdf file
Go here for an MSWord .doc file which will tell you how to set up MSWord for typing in Greek
Or here for a similar .pdf file


Go here for more about Unicode polytonic Greek fonts. If you wish to download any fonts, I suggest you start with Gentium

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 23, 2012

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