History Pages - Part 12
The Great Schism, the Norman Conquest : AD 800-1,066
- AD 800
- Charlemagne crowned as Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, December 25, in Rome
Haroun Al-Raschid sent an Embassy to the court of Charlemagne
The Synod of Aix-la-Chapelle introduced the "Filioque" clause ("and the Son", referring to the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son) into the Creed. This became a major cause of dissension between Eastern and Western Churches
- AD 801-865
- Anskar, missionary to Scandinavia
- AD 802
- Rose trees introduced into Europe
- AD 806
- Norsemen sacked the Monastery of Iona
- AD 810
- Nynniaw, Welsh monk, wrote a History of Britain;
Muhammed ibn Musa al Chwarazmi wrote a book on mathematics "Al jhibra . . . " (the variations . . ) which came into European languages as "Algebra"
- AD 814
- Arabs adopted Indian numerals, including zero
- AD 820
- End of the Abassid Caliphate
- AD 823
- Arabs captured Crete
- AD 825
- Caliph Mamun arranged for the translation of Greek classics into Arabic : Arabic scientific studies began
- AD 826
- Christianity introduced into Scandinavia by King Harold of Denmark and Anskar
- AD 829
- The "Annales Regni Francorum" - "Annals of the Kings of the Franks" - official Frankish history
- AD 834
- Danes raided England
- AD 840
- Paschasius Radbertus, Abbot of Corbey, developed the doctrine of Transubstantiation - that the Elements of Communion are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ
- AD 843
- Empress Theodora reinstated image worship in Byzantine Empire
The Treaty of Verdun divided the Frankish Empire (the remains of Charlemagne's Empire) between the three grandsons of Charlemagne - Lothar I (Italy and Lorraine), Charles II the Bald (France), and Louis I (Germany)
- AD 845
- Johannes Scotus Erigena - "John the Scot" - became head of the palace school for Charles the Bald of France
- AD 846
- The Arabs sacked Rome and destroyed the Venetian fleet
- AD 849-899
- Alfred the Great
- ca. AD 850
- King Alfred translated several Books of the New Testament into Anglo-Saxon
- AD 850
- "Church Modes" in music - eventually developed into major and minor scales
Jews started to settle in the Rhineland, and developed a mixed Hebrew-German language, Yiddish
Coffee discovered by the Arabs
- AD 862
- Rostislav of Moravia asked the Byzantine emperor to send missionaries to Moravia
- AD 863
- Cyril and Methodius went as missionaries to the Slavs, and invented the Cyrillic Alphabet for the Slavic language
- AD 865
- The Danes invaded Northumbria and established a kingdom at York
- AD 867-886
- Byzantine Empire : Basil I started as a slave boy, came to the throne by helping to kill one Emperor, and then killing the next Emperor. He promoted the religious and linguistic conversion of the Slavs, making them become Greek-speaking Orthodox Christians. Basil started the Macedonian Dynasty (867 to 1057) during which the Empire reached its zenith. Basil was a capable general and during his rule the Saracen threat was diminished and southern Italy was recaptured
- AD 868
- Palestine annexed to Egypt
- AD 870
- The Danes invaded and settled in East Anglia
- AD 871-899
- Reign of Alfred the Great
- AD 878
- Alfred the Great defeated the Danes and recaptured London
- AD 879
- The Pope of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated one another
- AD 882
- Saadia Gaon, Jewish Rabbinic scholar
- AD 885
- Mt. Athos appointed as a religious retreat by Emperor Basil I
- AD 890
- Alfred the Great organized a regular army and navy, strengthened the Law Courts, and established fairs and markets throughout his land
- AD 900
- England divided into Shires, with County Courts for justice
Alfonso III of Castile started to try to drive Muslim Arabs out of Spain
Development of Arab "arabesque" style of ornamentation
Beginnings of "part song" in fourths, fifths, and octaves
Start of Second Pueblo Period in Southwest region of N. America
- AD 909
- Rise of the Fatimid dynasty in North Africa
- AD 911
- Treaty of St. Clair-sur-Epte established Normandy as a Dukedom under Count Rollo I
- AD 923-969
- Byzantine Empire pushed back the Arabs
- AD 925-940
- Athelstan, King of England - recaptured Northumberland
- AD 927
- Odo, Abbot of Cluny, established a rule of discipline for the Benedictines
- AD 929
- King Wenceslas of Bohemia murdered by his brother
- AD 935-1,000
- Roswitha of Gandersheim - German nun and playwright
- AD 937
- Battle of Brunanburgh - Athelstan defeated Danes, Scots, and Britons
- AD 939
- Arabs driven out of Madrid
- AD 939-1,020
- Firdausi - Persian poet
- AD 940-946
- Edmund I, brother of Athelstan, King of England
- AD 941
- Danes made war on Edmund I
- AD 942-953
- Malcolm I, King of Scotland
- AD 950-1,150
- Islamic Umayyad Dynasty in Spain
- AD 955
- Russian Grand Duchess Olga baptized in Constantinople - became the "Apostle to the Russias"
- AD 959-988
- Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury
- AD 961
- Byzantine navy under Nicephorus Phocas won Crete back from the Arabs
- AD 963
- Monastics at Mount Athos, Greece
- AD 965
- Byzantines recaptured Cyprus from the Arabs
English invaded the Welsh Principality of Gwynedd
- AD 969
- Byzantines recaptured Antioch from the Arabs
- AD 969-976
- Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimisces, who conquered half of Bulgaria, defeated the Russian invasion and marched his armies to the outskirts of Jerusalem and Baghdad
- AD 975-979
- King Edward the Martyr of England
- AD 976-1,025
- Byzantine Emperor Basil II, "the Bulgar Slayer". Kievan Russia converted to Orthodox Christianity
- AD 979
- King Edward murdered, Ethelred II the Unready became king
- AD 980
- Pipe Organ with 400 pipes built at Winchester
- AD 980-1,015
- St. Vladimir, prince of Kiev
- AD 980-1,037
- Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Muslim philosopher and physician
- AD 988
- Vladimir of Kiev introduced Christianity into his lands, after his marriage to the sister of the Byzantine Emperor Basil II. The beginning of Byzantine influence in Russia
- AD 1,000
- Beowulf put into writing
Leif Eriksson, son of Eric the Red, may have discovered Nova Scotia
- AD 1002-1066
- Edward the Confessor
- AD 1009
- Muslims sacked the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem
- AD 1013
- The Danes took England, and Ethelred the Unready fled to Normandy
- AD 1014
- Battle of Clontarf ended Norse rule in Ireland
Canute became leader of the Danes in England
Ethelred the Unready returned to England
- AD 1016
- Ethelred the Unready died, and Canute became King of England
- AD 1027
- Giudo d'Arezzo introduced solmization in music - the tonic solfa, though "do" was originally called "ut"
- AD 1027-1123
- Omar Khayyam, Persian poet
- AD 1033-1109
- Anselm of Canterbury
- AD 1035
- Death of Canute. His kingdom was divided between his sons
- AD 1040-1057
- Macbeth, King of Scotland - came to the throne by murdering Duncan, the previous king
- AD 1042-1066
- Edward the Confessor, King of England
- AD 1045-1099
- El Cid - Rodrigo Diaz - Spanish national hero
- AD 1040-1105
- Rashi - Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac, great French-Jewish scholar and commentator on the Scriptures
- AD 1042
- Rise of the Seljuk Turks
- AD 1050
- The Mabinogion, collection of Welsh epic songs, written down
- AD 1053
- Great Schism - between the Western Latin Church, centered on Rome, and the Eastern Greek Church, which became the Eastern Orthodox Church, centered on Byzantium (Constantinople)
Harold Godwinsson became earl of Essex
- AD 1054
- Pope Leo IX of Rome and Patriarch Michael Cerularius of the Eastern Church excommunicated one aother
- AD 1064
- AD 1064 - The Seljuk Turks conquered Armenia
- AD 1065
- Westminster Abbey consecrated
- AD 1066
- Halley's Comet seen over Europe, particularly England, and taken as an omen of bad fortune;
AD 1066 - The Norman Conquest :
- January 5 - Edward the Confessor died
- January 6 - Harold Godwinsson crowned as Harold II
- September 25 - Battle of Stamford Bridge, in the north of England - Harold and his army defeated invading Danes
- September 28 - William, Duke of Normandy, landed at Pevensey, raided the surrounding regions, set up a favorable battle position, and waited for Harold
- Harold and his army marched post haste to the south to attack William, and they arrived exhausted at Hastings
- October 14 - Battle of Hastings - Harold was killed by an arrow in his eye
- December 25 - William crowned in London as William I of England, known to history as "William the Conqueror"

Main Sources : Smithsonian Timelines of Ancient History, The Timetables of History (Bernard Grun)
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Last Updated: June 30, 2017
