History Pages - Part 14
Reformation and Restoration - AD 1,400-1,700
- AD 1328-1384
- John Wycliffe, English reformer and Bible translator
- ca. AD 1350
- English began to emerge as the national language of England
Rise of the Muslim Ottoman Dynasty in Turkey
- AD 1371
- Battle of Maritsa - the Ottoman Turks took Bulgaria
- AD 1380
- The New Testament translated into English by John Wycliffe. Wycliffe also preached against abuses of the Church and against celibacy of the clergy. His teachings were condemned by Church authorities
- AD 1382
- Completion of the whole Bible in English (including the Deuterocanonical Books) by John Wycliffe and Nicholas of Hereford
- AD 1389
- Battle of Kosovo - the Ottoman Turks took Serbia
- AD 1397
- Ottoman Turks captured Thessaloniki and Athens, and besieged Constantinople. Then they went to the Peloponese (Greek mainland) and forced 30,000 Greeks into exile in Asia. Turkoman and Tartar colonies settled in Lakonia, Messinia, Achaia, and the Argolis
- ca.AD 1400
- The Zohar, Jewish Kabalistic book
- AD 1400
- Tamurlane (Tamburlane, Timerlane, Timur the Lame) sacked Damascus
- AD 1402
- Mongols and Tartars from central Asia, led by Tamurlane, wiped out Ottoman army near Ankara
- AD 1408
- Council of Oxford forbade translations of the Scriptures into the vernacular unless and until they were fully approved by Church authority, sparked by Wycliffite Bible, Sir Thomas More said:
"It neither forbiddeth the translations to be read that were already well done of old before Wycliffe's days, nor damneth his because it was new but because it was naught; nor prohibiteth new to be made but provideth that they shall not be read if they be made amiss till they be by good examination amended."
- AD 1412-1431
- Joan of Arc, French national heroine and saint
- AD 1413
- Tamurlane's Empire broke up and the Turks recovered control
- AD 1415
- Council of Florence condemned all of Wycliffe's works, but the actual Bibles continued to be used after having the heretical prologue removed, and were used by religious houses and the nobility and were tacitly accepted by Roman Catholics
- AD 1439
- Council of Florence - John VIII unsuccessfully attempted the union of Roman Catholic and East Orthodox Churches under Papal supremacy
- AD 1453, May 29
- Fall of Constantipole to Sultan Mehmed II "the Conqueror" and the Ottoman Turks
- AD 1456
- Invention of the printing press and moveable type. Printing of the Gutenberg Bible
- AD 1466-1536
- Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch scholar, produced an edition of the Greek New Testament which was used as the source for many of the 16th century translations of the Bible
- AD 1471-1484
- Pope Sixtus IV
- AD 1473-1481
- Sistine Chapel built, under supervision of Giovanni de Dolci
- AD 1478
- The Inquisition established by Pope Sixtus IV
- AD 1483-1530
- Babur began his conquest of India
- AD 1483-1546
- Martin Luther, German reformer, taught that only faith in Jesus Christ leads to salvation, without the mediation of clergy or good works; recommended individual personal study of the Bible
- AD 1488
- First printing of a complete Hebrew Bible (equivalent to the Old Testament in Hebrew)
- AD 1488-1569
- Miles Coverdale, Augustinian friar who left the Order and became the first Protestant Bishop of Exeter
- AD 1489-1556
- Thomas Cranmer, English reformer, became Archbishop of Canterbury under Henry VIII, wrote the Book of Common Prayer, then was killed by Mary I
- AD 1491-1556
- Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order
- AD 1492
- The Muslim Moors driven out of Spain
The Ottoman Empire gave asylum to Sephardic Jews from Spain
Christopher Columbus' first voyage, discovered San Salvador - began Spanish colonization of the New World
- AD 1493
- Jews expelled from Spain
- AD 1494-1536
- William Tyndale, English reformer and Bible translator, betrayed and killed in Holland during the reign of Henry VIII of England
- AD 1500-1800
- Safavid Shiite Muslim Dynasty of Iran
Mughal Muslim Dynasty of India
- AD 1505-1572
- John Knox, Protestant reformer in Scotland
- AD 1506
- Pope Julius II ordered the Old St Peter's Basilica torn down and authorized Donato Bramante to plan a new structure, demolition completed in 1606
- AD 1506-1552
- Francis Xavier, missionary to India and Japan
- AD 1508-1512
- Michaelangelo painted the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel
- AD 1509-1547
- Henry VIII King of England
- AD 1509-1564
- John Calvin, French reformer, settled in Geneva and founded Christian communities based on a "Presbyterian" model (rule by Elders)
- AD 1513-1522
- Pope Leo X
- AD 1517
- Luther posted his 95 Theses for discussion, on the door of the church in Wittenberg
- AD 1517
- Selim I (Muslim Ottoman Turk) took Egypt
- AD 1517-1917
- Ottoman Turks ruled Palestine for 400 years
- AD 1518-1532
- Teresa of Avila, Spanish mystic and saint
- AD 1520
- Luther excommunicated
- AD 1520-1566
- Sulayman I (Sulayman the Magnificent, Suleman the Great)
- AD 1522
- Luther's translation of the New Testament into German, using the words for "elder" instead of "priest", and "congregation" instead of "church"
- AD 1524
- "The Peasants' Revolt" in Germany, expected Luther to support them, but he did not. This was the start of 150 years of Religious Wars in Europe
- AD 1525-1534
- Tyndale's translation of the New Testament from the Greek text of Erasmus (1466) compared against the Vulgate and Luther's German version
- AD 1525-1609
- The Maharal of Prague (Judah Loew ben Bezalel), Jewish talmudist and mathematician, made the "Golem" (a giant man of clay, to protect the Jews from the Christians)
- AD 1530
- The "Augsburg Confession" - foundation of the Lutheran Church
- AD 1531
- "The Virgin of Guadalupe" - The Virgin Mary appeared to a Mexican peasant, miraculous events followed
- AD 1534
- Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic church, dissolved the monasteries and confiscated their property.
Independence of the Church of England (The Anglican or Episcopal Church)
- AD 1534
- Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuit order which re-evangelized large areas of Poland, Hungary, and Germany and sent missionaries to the New World, India, and China
- AD 1534-1572
- The Ari (the Lion), Isaac ben Solomon Luria, Jewish Tamud and Kabbalah scholar
- AD 1535-1537
- Coverdale's Bible, used Tyndale's (1525) translation along with Latin and German versions, placed the Apocrypha at the end of the Old Testament, as was done by Luther and also in later English versions. 1537 edition received royal license, but was banned in 1546
- AD 1536
- Tyndale, in hiding in Holland, was betrayed and put to death, left his Old Testament translation in manuscript. English ecclesiastical authorities ordered his Bible burned because it was thought to be part of the Lutheran reform. Tyndales prayer as he died was "O Lord, open Thou the King of England's eyes."
- AD 1536-1541
- Michaelangelo's painting of the Last Judgment
- AD 1537-1541
- Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt and redecorated the city wall of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock
- AD 1537-1551
- The Matthew Bible, translation by John Rogers (1500-1555), based on Tyndale's and Coverdale's translations, received royal license but was not authorized for use in public worship, went through numerous editions, the 1551 edition contained offensive notes (based on Tyndale)
- AD 1539-1569
- The Great Bible, produced by Thomas Cromwell. The first English Bible to be authorized for public use in English churches. Based on Tyndale's NT of 1534-1535, corrected by reference to a Latin version of the Hebrew OT, the Latin Bible of Erasmus, and the Complutensian Polyglot.
- AD 1542
- Francis Xavier started missionary work in India
- AD 1543
- Parliament banned Tyndale's translation as a "crafty, false and untrue translation"
- AD 1545-1563
- The Council of Trent, Roman Catholic Reformation, or Counter-reformation, to meet the Protestant challenge
- AD 1546
- Francis Xavier started missionary work in Malaya
Henry VIII forbade anyone to have a copy of Tyndale's or Coverdale's New Testament
- AD 1547
- Ivan the Terrible became ruler of Russia, and drove the Jews out of Russia
- AD 1547-1553
- Edward VI King of England, brought up as a Protestant, favored the Protestant reformation
- AD 1549
- The "Book of Common Prayer" of the Church of England (Episcopal Church)
Francis Xavier started missionary work in Japan
- AD 1553-1558
- Mary I Queen of England. Mary was the daughter of Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon, and was a staunch Roman Catholic. She tried to force England to go back to Roman Catholicism, and was called "Bloody Mary" because of the number of Protestants who were killed during her reign. Publication of English Scriptures ceased, and many Protestant clergy left England
- AD 1555
- The Peace of Augsburg - German princes were allowed to choose whether their lands (and people) would be Lutheran or Roman Catholic
- AD 1556
- Beza's Latin New Testament
- AD 1558-1603
- Elizabeth I Queen of England. Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She had been brought up as a Protestant, but was liberal towards Roman Catholics until the Pope excommunicated her and said that anyone who killed her would not be guilty of mortal sin
- AD 1560
- The Geneva Bible, NT a revision of Matthew's version of Tyndale with use of Beza's NT, OT a thorough revision of the Great Bible, appointed to be read in Scotland (but not England), ran for at least 140 editions
John Knox disagreed with the Lutheran Church over the Sacraments and Church government, and founded the Presbyterian Church in Scotland
- AD 1560-1618
- Dutch wars of independence (from Spain)
- AD 1563
- The "Thirty-nine Articles" of the Church of England - articles of faith agreed upon by a panel of Bishops
- AD 1564
- Shulhan Arukh (Code of Jewish law) published
- AD 1569
- "The Kabalist" written by Isaac Luria in Safed (in the Galilee, northern Palestine)
- AD 1571
- The Turks tried to invade and conquer Christian Europe. At the Naval Battle of Lepanto, Spain, Venice, Genoa, and the Roman Papacy sent a combined armada and destroyed the Turkish navy. The sailors attributed their victory to their prayers to Our Lady of the Rosary
- AD 1572-1606
- The Bishop's Bible, a revision of the Great Bible checked against the Hebrew text, the first to be published in England by episcopal authority
- AD 1573-1645
- William Laud, became Archbishop of Canterbury, was executed during the English Civil War
- AD 1582
- Rheims NT, based on Coverdale, Bishops', Geneva, followed Wycliffe's version
- AD 1585
- Joachim Ganz, first known Jew to come to America, landed at Roanoke
- AD 1588
- England under Elizabeth I defeated the Spanish Armarda, resisted re-introduction of Roman Catholicism
- AD 1588-1679
- Thomas Hobbes, English philosopher
- AD 1589
- Creation of the Patriarchate of Moscow
- AD 1590
- Michelangelo completed the dome in St Peter's Basilica in Rome
- AD 1596
- The Ukranian Catholic Church formed when Ukranian subjects of the king of Poland were reunited with Rome, resulting in the largest Byzantine Catholic Church
- AD 1596-1650
- Rene Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician
- AD 1598
- The Edict of Nantes (in France) gave religious toleration to the Huguenots (Protestants) in some parts of France, while other parts remained Roman Catholic
- AD 1598-1611
- George Chapman translated Homer's "Iliad" into English
- AD 1599-1658
- Oliver Cromwell, Puritan leader, eventually became "Lord Protector" of England
- AD 1603-1625
- James I of England and VI of Scotland - James styled himself "King of Great Britain"
- AD 1604
- The Hampton Court Conference, called by James I to attempt to settle differences between Puritan and High Church factions in the Church of England.
One result of this conference was the decision to produce a new translation of the Bible - this became the King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version.
Another result was that small groups of Puritans decided to worship separately from the Church of England - the start of the "Separatist" movement
- AD 1606
- Carlo Maderno redesigned St Peter's Basilica in Rome into the shape of a Latin cross
- AD 1607
- Founding of the Colony of Virginia, first colonists at Jamestown
- AD 1607-1676
- Paul Gerhardt, German hymn writer
- AD 1608
- "Separatist" groups left England, to live and worship in Holland
- AD 1609
- John Smyth founded the Baptist Church, due to objections to infant baptism and the demands for separation of Church and State
- AD 1609-1610
- Rheims-Douay Bible, first Roman Catholic English translation, OT published in two volumes, based on an unofficial Louvain text corrected against the Sistine Vulgate of 1590, NT was Rheims text of 1582
- AD 1611
- The King James (Authorized) Version of the Bible, including the Apocrypha
James I dissolved Parliament, and ruled without it for 10 years
- AD 1613
- Elizabeth, daughter of James I, married Frederick V of the Palatinate (the leading Calvinist prince of Germany).
After the death of Queen Anne in 1714 the succession to the throne of England was traced through Elizabeth's daughter Sophia of Hannover, to Sophia's son George I
- AD 1614-1642
- Martyrdom of the Japanese Christians
- AD 1618-1648
- The Thirty Years' War, also called the Wars of Religion, ostensibly between Protestants and Roman Catholics in Europe. But the Swedes (Protestants) invaded and plundered some of the German Protestant lands, and the French (Roman Catholics) tried to grab some Roman Catholic lands. Everybody fought and plundered everybody else. Towns were destroyed and peasants were slaughtered. Nobody won. Everybody lost.
- AD 1620
- Puritans began emigrating to America. The Pilgrim Fathers sailed in the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth Rock
- AD 1621
- The World's Great Restoration, or Calling of the Jews by Sir Henry Finch, treatise calling for the restoration of Jews to their homeland
- AD 1622-1629
- Persian Jews were forced to become Moslems
- AD 1625-1649
- Charles I King of England and Scotland. His reign ended in civil war, the capture of the King, his trial and execution by beheading
- AD 1626-1676
- Shabbatai Zvi, Jewish Messianic leader
- AD 1630
- The Massachusetts Bay Company - Puritans started to settle in Boston
- AD 1632-1677
- Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza
- AD 1636
- Rhode Island granted religious liberty to Jews
- AD 1643-1649
- The Westminster Assembly produced the Westminster Confession of Faith, intended to replace the 39 Articles of Religion in the Church of England
- AD 1644
- The "Long Parliament" directed that only the Hebrew canon of the Old Testament be read in the Church of England (removed the Apocrypha and Deuterocanonical books from public reading)
- AD 1645
- Execution of William Law, Archbishop of Canterbury
- AD 1648
- The Peace of Westphalia - German princes were allowed to choose Lutheranism, Calvinism, or Roman Catholicism as their "state Church", and were also allowed to tolerate members of other denominations
- AD 1649
- Execution of Charles I
- AD 1653-1658
- Oliver Cromwell "Lord Protector" of England
- AD 1655
- Oliver Cromwell allowed Jews to return to England
- AD 1657
- Jews granted the rights of Citizens in America
- AD 1658-1712
- Richard Cromwell (son of Oliver Cromwell) inherited the position of Lord Protector, but did not lead well
- AD 1660
- The Restoration of the Monarchy in England and Scotland
The future James II, son of Charles I, married Anne Hyde. Their daughters, Mary and Anne, became Queens of England. Charles II (James II brother) insisted that the girls be brought up as Protestants, although both Charles II and James II favored Roman Catholicism
- AD 1660-1685
- Charles II, reversed of the decision of the Long Parliament, reinstated the Apocrypha and Deuterocanonical books, but the decision was not accepted by the non-conformists (those who did not accept Parliament's Act of Conformity)
- AD 1666
- The Great Plague, followed by the Great Fire of London
- AD 1674-1748
- Isaac Watts, English hymn-writer
- AD 1678
- John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress"
- AD 1682-1791
- The Hundred Years' War between the Hapsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire
- AD 1683
- Second siege of Vienna (unsuccessful) by the Ottoman Turks. The Ottoman Empire began to decline
- AD 1685
- Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes - French protestants go into exile
- AD 1685-1688
- James II of England. James became a Roman Catholic, appointed Roman Catholic officers in the army, had controversies with parliament, and fled the country in 1688 (The Bloodless Revolution). After the death of Anne Hyde, his first wife, he had married a Roman Catholic princess, Mary of Modena. After he fled the country their reputed son, Charles, was brought up in Europe, and later tried to invade England and Scotland. He was know as "The Old Pretender". Charles' son, known as "Bonny Prince Charley" or "The Young Pretender", also tried to invade England and Scotland, but was eventually driven back to continental Europe
- AD 1688-1689
- Parliament invited William and Mary of Orange (Holland) to come to Britain as King and Queen. Mary (and Anne) were daughters of James II and Anne Hyde, daughter of the English Earl of Clarendon
- AD 1689
- The Act of Toleration allowed English Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Baptists, and Quakers to worship as they wished
- AD 1689-1694
- William and Mary ruled England and Scotland together
- AD 1694-1702
- After Mary's death, William of Orange ruled alone, as William III
- AD 1701
- Parliament passed the Act of Settlement, ruling that no Roman Catholic could become monarch of England, and that all monarchs after William III must become members of the Church of England
- AD 1702-1714
- Queen Anne, daughter of James II and Anne Hyde. Queen Anne had had ten miscarriages, had given birth to four children who died as infants, and a son who died in 1700. On coming to the throne she knew that she would not have another child to follow her
- AD 1707
- "Act of Union" : Scotland, Wales, and England were united as "Great Britain"
- AD 1714-1727
- George I king of England. George was the great-grandson of James I through James' daughter Elizabeth, and her daughter Sophia (see 1613)

Main Sources : Smithsonian Timelines of Ancient History, The Timetables of History (Bernard Grun)
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