History Pages - Part 15
Revivals, the Rise of Zionism, Greek independence - AD 1700-1914
These time-lines are intended for use by my students who are taking Courses in Church History, History of Hebrew, History of the Greek language, Survey of World Religions, or Biblical Archaeology.
Hence they are rather selective in what events are included
- AD 1500-1800
- Safavid Shiite Muslim Dynasty of Iran
- AD 1500-1800
- Mughal Muslim Dynasty of India
- AD 1682-1791
- The Hundred Years' War between the Hapsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire
- AD 1689-1694
- William and Mary, rulers of England and Scotland
- AD 1694-1702
- William III of England reigned alone after the death of Queen Mary
- AD 1700-1760
- Israel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Jewish Hasidism
- AD 1702-1714
- Good Queen Anne of England
- AD 1703-1758
- Jonathon Edwards, American pastor, preacher
- AD 1703-1791
- John Wesley, Anglican clergyman, preacher, hymn-writer
- AD 1704-1747
- Luzzatto revived a biblical style of Hebrew
- AD 1707
- "Act of Union" Scotland, Wales, and England became Great Britain
- AD 1707-1788
- Charles Wesley, hymn-writer
- AD 1714-1727
- George of Hanover became King George I of England
- AD 1718
- Roman Catholic English version of the New Testament, by Dr. Nary, much less bulky than the Reims-Douay version
- AD 1727-1760
- George II of England
- AD 1729-1786
- Moses Mendelssohn, Jewish scholar; grandfather of Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, musicians
- AD 1738
- John Wesley founded the Methodist Church. He did not intend the Methodists to leave the Church of England, but his followers broke away and chose their own bishops
- AD 1750
- Fundamentalist Wahhabi movement in Islam
- AD 1760-1820
- George III of England; suffered from porphyria, which caused dementia when he ate meat
His disease was hereditary, and can be traced back to James I
- AD 1768-1774
- Russo-Turkish War; Ottoman Turks were defeated
- AD 1768-1828
- Israel Jacobson, started "Reform Judaism"
- AD 1769-1821
- Napoleon Bonaparte, became a general, and then Emperor of France
- AD 1770
- Russian Empress Catherine II "the Great" sent the Russian fleet to western Greece to help Greeks revolt against Turks. The Revolt failed
- AD 1775-1781
- American revolution, guaranteed religious freedom
- AD 1776
- Declaration of Independence of the American colonies
- AD 1784-1885
- Sir Moses Montefiore founded Jewish settlements in Palestine
- AD 1789-1791
- French Revolution
- AD 1792-1804
- The First Republic of France
- AD 1793
- Louis XVI of France was executed
- AD 1797
- Collapse of the Venetian Republic
France took the Ionian Islands
- AD 1798
- Battle of the Pyramids, Napoleon in Egypt
- AD 1799
- Napoleon invaded Palestine. The British held Acre against him
- AD 1801-1804
- Muslim Wahhabis captured Mecca and Medina
- AD 1801-1877
- Brigham Young, Mormon leader, founder of Utah colony
- AD 1803
- The Louisiana Purchase - the USA buys Louisiana territories from France
- AD 1804
- Napoleon became Emperor of France
- AD 1804-1881
- Benjamin Disraeli, became Prime Minister of England
- AD 1809-1847
- Felix Mendelssohn, composer, grandson of Moses Mendelssohn
- AD 1810
- Ionian Islands annexed by Britain
- AD 1812-1875
- Moses Hess, Zionist
- AD 1814-1815
- Congress of Vienna - a meeting of the heads of state of all the European nations and Russia, to re-draw the map of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon. The Bourbon monarchy was restored in France
- 1814-1824
- Louis XVIII of France
- AD 1815
- Battle of Waterloo - Napoleon was defeated and sent to exile on the island of St. Helena, where he died in 1821
- AD 1818-20
- First Reform Jewish congregations
- AD 1818-1883
- Karl Marx, Jewish, converted to Christianity, then founded Communism
- AD 1829
- The USA secures the Floridas from Spain
- AD 1820-1830
- George IV of England
- AD 1821
- Abortive Greek revolt in Moldavia, led by Prince Alexander Ypsilantes, a major-general in the Russian army
- AD 1821-1829
- Greek War of Independence
- AD 1822
- Massacre of Hios by Ottomans after Greek Insurrection, killed 25,000, enslaved 50,000 of total 100,000 population
Champolion deciphered the Egyptian hieroglyphic system from the Rosetta Stone
- AD 1825-1827
- Egyptians recaptured Greece for the Ottoman Turks
- AD 1827, October 29
- Naval Battle of Navarino Bay. European fleet destroyed Egyptian fleet
- AD 1827
- Joseph Smith founded the "Latter Day Saints" - the Mormon Church - after having a vision of the Angel Moroni
- AD 1830
- Appearance of the Virgin Mary in Paris
- AD 1830-1837
- William IV of England
- AD 1832
- Church of Christ (Disciples) organized by Presbyterians distressed by Protestant factionalism and decline of fervor
- AD 1832-1841
- Egyptian Occupation of Palestine
- AD 1833
- Autocephelous Church of Greece created
Installation of King Otto of Greece (1816-1867), the son of King Ludwig of Bavaria
- AD 1837-1901
- Queen Victoria of England
- AD 1843
- Greece became a semi-constitutional monarchy after a bloodless revolt enforced the dismissal of Bavarian ministers
B'nai B'rith (Children of the Covenant) founded
- AD 1845-1934
- Baron Edmond James de Rothschild
- AD 1846
- Appearance of the Virgin Mary at La Salette in France
- 1848-1852
- The Second Republic of France
- 1852-1870
- Napoleon III, Emperor of France
- AD 1852-1922
- Charles Taze Russell, founded the Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1870s
- AD 1853-1856
- Crimean (Russo-Turkish) War
French and English troops occupied Greece
- AD 1858
- Appearance of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes in France. Lourdes became a center for miraculous healings
- AD 1858-1922
- Ben Yehuda decided to recreate Hebrew as a spoken language, rather than a literary one
- AD 1860-1904
- Theodore Herzl, founder of Zionism
- AD 1860-1911
- Gustav Mahler, composer
- AD 1862
- King Otto of Greece deposed. Replaced by the Danish prince King George I of Greece, with a new constitution creating a "crowned democracy"
- AD 1864
- Ionian Islands ceded to Greece by Britain
Leon Pinsker wrote "Autoemancipation" (published 1882), and argued for the foundation of a Jewish state
- AD 1866-1869
- Unsuccessful revolt of Crete against the Ottoman Turks
- AD 1869-1870
- The First Vatican Council, (reckoned by Roman Catholics as the 20th Ecumenical Council), affirmed the doctrine of papal infallibility - ie. when a pope speaks ex cathedra on faith or morals he does so with the supreme apostolic authority, which no Catholic may question or reject
The "Old Catholics" of Europe did not accept some of the rulings of the council, and formed a separate Catholic Church which entered into communion with the Anglican Church
- AD 1870-1940
- The Third Republic of France
- AD 1871
- Appearance of the Virgin Mary in Pontmain, France
- AD 1873-1956
- Leo Back, theologian of Reform Judaism, was put in Teresienstadt German concentration camp during WW II
- AD 1874-1952
- Chaim Weizmann, statesman and scientist
- AD 1877-1888
- Russo-Turkish War resulted in the creation of Bulgaria
- AD 1878
- Cyprus ceded to Britain by Ottoman Empire
Petah Tikvah (agricultural community) founded by orthodox Jews in Palestine
Congress of Berlin reaffirmed religious liberty and equality throughout the Turkish Empire (including Israel)
The Niagara Bible Conference formulated a 14-point creed which became popular with Fundamentalists
- AD 1879
- Appearance of the Virgin Mary in Knock, Ireland
- AD 1879-1955
- Albert Einstein, Zionis, physicist, formulated the Theory of Relativity
- AD 1880-1939
- Vladimir Jabotinski, Zioinst leader, founder of the New Zionist Organization, Haganah, Jewish Legion, Irgyn, Betar, Revisionist Party
- AD 1881
- Thessaly and Arta region of Epirus ceded to Greece by Ottoman Turks after intervention by European Powers
Russian pogroms against the Jews, and mass migration of Jews out of Russia
- AD 1881-1894
- The Revised Version of the Bible, called for by the Church of England; included the Apocrypha
- AD 1882
- The British occupied Egypt
- AD 1882-1903
- The First Aliyah (immigration of Jews into Palestine) mainly from Russia
- AD 1885-1962
- Niels Bohr, scientist
- AD 1886-1973
- David Ben-Gurion, statesman
- ca. AD 1886
- Founding of Conservative Judaism by Solomon Schechter in the USA
- AD 1887-1990
- Marc Chagall, artist
- AD 1890-1914
- Greek Immigration to USA. Widespread unemployment and economic problems led to migrations to US of 350,000 Greeks, one-fifth of the total population
- AD 1893
- The Dreyfus Affair
- AD 1894
- Sholem Aleichem wrote the first episode in the "Life of Tevye the Dairyman" - which became the basis of "Fiddler on the Roof"
- AD 1896
- Theodor Herzl published "Der Judenstadt" (The Jewish State) promoting Zionism
Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France revived the Olympic Games at the ancient stadium in Athens
- AD 1897
- Greece fought and lost a two-week war with the Ottoman Empire
Crete gained autonomy, with Prince George of Greece as the first governor
Theodor Herzl convened the First Jewish Zionist Congress, and the foundation of the Zionist Organization, in Basle (Switzerland)
The Dreyfus Affair - Alfred Dreyfuss, French Jewish soldier unjustly accused and sentenced
- AD 1898
- Emile Zola publishes "J'Accuse" on behalf of Alfred Dreyfuss
- AD 1898-1904
- The Twentieth Century New Testament, changed the order of books to chronological
- AD 1898-1936
- George Gershwin, composer
- AD 1898-1978
- Golda Meir, became the fourth Prime Minister of Israel
- AD 1899
- Albert Dreyfus acquitted and reinstated as a Major
- AD 1900-1990
- Aaron Copeland, composer
- AD 1901
- "Evangelakia" riots over translations of the Bible into demotic Greek
American Standard Version of the Bible, a rescension of the RV, included words/phrases preferred by Americans
Founding of The Pentecostal Church, in Topeka, Kansas, as members of several denominations were touched by the Holy Spirit
- AD 1901-1910
- Edward VII of England
- AD 1904-1914
- Second Aliyah, mainly from Russia and Poland, to Israel
- AD 1909
- First Kibbutz founded, at Degania, Palestine
Tel Aviv founded as the first all-Jewish city in Palestine
- AD 1910
- 5-point statement of the Presbyterian General Assembly, also used by Fundamentalists
- AD 1910-1915
- "The Fundamentals", a 12-volume collection of essays by 64 British and American scholars and preachers, the foundation of Fundamentalism
- AD 1910-1936
- George V of England
- AD 1912-1913
- The Balkan Wars
The Balkan League of Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece declared war on Turkey and drove the Turks out of Europe
Greece gained Macedonia and Epirus
- AD 1913
- Treaty of London put Crete under Greek rule.
Treaty of Bucharest put much of western Thrace under Greek rule. Lesbos, Chios, and Samos were also incorporated
- AD 1913, Mar 18
- King George of Greece was assassinated in Thessaloniki
- AD 1913-1924
- The James Moffat Bible, the first one-man translation in almost 400 years
- AD 1914-1918
- The First World War
- AD 1917
- The Russian Revolution
The Fall of the Ottoman Empire to the British
The British Foreign Minister Balfour pledged his support for the establishment of a "Jewish national home in Palestine"
Appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, accompanied by the "miracle of the sun" witnessed by 70,000 - 100,000 people
- AD 1917, June
- Britain and France demanded that King Constantine of Greece abdicate. The King and his son Prince George fled, his second son Alexander became the provisional King
- AD 1917, July 2
- Venizelos assumed control of Greece and declared war on the Central Powers
- AD 1917, Dec. 9
- British forces entered Jerusalem, began modernization of the country
- AD 1919
- Foundation of the World Christian Fundamentals Association
- AD 1919, March
- Italy landed forces at Antalya to ensure their mandate over southwest Turkey which had promised to them for entering WWI on the side of the Entente
- AD 1919, May 6
- Greek forces, escorted by British and French naval units, occupied Smyrna in reaction to Italian invasion
- AD 1919-1922
- Graeco-Turkish War
- AD 1919-23
- The Third Aliyah of Jews to Palestine, mainly from Russia
- AD 1920
- Histadrut (Jewish labor federation) and Haganah (Jewish defense organization) founded.
Vaad Leumi (National Council) set up by Jewish community (yishuv) to conduct its affairs.
- AD 1920, June
- Turkish nationalists under Mustapha Kemal attacked British on the Ismid peninsula at the eastern end of the Sea of Marmara
Greek forces come to help the British
Aug 10 - Treaty of Sevres, signed but never ratified by the Entente powers of Turkey. Promised to give Greece eastern Thrace, the islands of Tenedos and Imbros and administration of the Smyrna district that stays under Turkish sovereignty for five years. By a plebiscite after this period the population was to be allowed to ask for incorporation into the Greek state
Dec 5 - The Greeks voted for King Constantine's return, in spite of the allies' threat to cut off all aid to Greece
- AD1921
- First Jewish moshav (cooperative village), Nahalal, founded in Palestine.
- AD 1922
- Collapse of the Ottoman Empire
Sept 8-14 - Smyrna evacuated after the Greek army was defeated and 30,000 civilians were killed. A million refugees fled to Greece, joining half a million Greeks who had fled earlier
Sept 26 - Military coup in Greece, in reaction to the loss in Asia Minor, led by Colonels Plastiras and Gonatas, creating the Revolutionary Government King Constantine of Greece abdicated, and his son became King George II
- AD 1922-1948
- British Mandate in the Middle East - the League of Nations granted Britain control of Palestine and much of the Middle East
Transjordan was set up on three quarters of the region, leaving one quarter to become the Jewish national homeland
Jewish Agency representing Jewish community vis-a-vis Mandate authorities set up.

Main Sources : Smithsonian Timelines of Ancient History, The Timetables of History (Bernard Grun)
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Last Updated: June 30, 2017
