HUM / REL 293 - Beginning Latin
Assignment 10
Weekly Report
Download the Word .doc file, fill it in and save each daily assignment as you study during the week. Submit the completed report before 9 a.m. Monday of the following week.
Reports should be sent to Dr. Rollinson via the BlackBoard submission boxes for the course.
Students who are not taking the class at ENMU should send the completed file as an attachment to an email message to
Dr. Rollinson at
If you have problems working with .doc files, contact the Instructor to arrange for an alternate format

Objectives for the week
- Recognize, decline, and translate the demonstratives hic, ille, and iste.
- Distinguish between these demonstratives, in both usage and translation, as either adjectives or pronouns.
- Recognize, decline, and translate the nine common irregular first/second-declension adjectives that have a genitive singular ending in -ius and a dative singular in -i.
Studies for the week

Daily Study Guide
- Cambridge, Stage 10 - 162-165
- Wheelock, Chapter 9 - ille, illa, illud and iste, ista, istud; Vocabulary - pages 55-58
- Course Notes for Week 10
- Grote's Notes for Wheelock, Chapter 9
- Cambridge, Stage 10 - contrōversia - pages 166-167
- Wheelock, Chapter 9 - hic, haec, hoc - page 55-56
- Prof Mark Damen's notes for Wheelock, Chapter 9
- Cambridge, Stage 10 - statuae - pages 168-169
- Wheelock, Chapter 9 - -īus Adjectives - pages 57-58
- Resources for Wheelock, Chapter 9 - try some of Prof. Marchesi's Drills. Include the Vocabulary Drill
- Cambridge, Stage 10 - About the Language - pages 170-171
- Wheelock, Chapter 9 - Practice Sentences - page 59
- Resources for Wheelock, Chapter 9 - try some of the Drills - your choice.
- Cambridge, Stage 10 - ānulus Aegyptius, Practicing the Language, Education, Vocabulary - pages 172-180
- Wheelock, Chapter 9 - Sententiae Antīquae, When I have Enough - pages 59-61
- Resources for Wheelock, Chapter 9 - try some of the Drills - your choice.

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson
ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130
Last Updated : July 10, 2017
