RELG 330 - History of Christianity

Research Papers

For help with geography and/or history, see the Geography Pages and History Pages


Mid Term Paper for submission by midnight, WEDNESDAY, March 6, 2024

Choose what seem to you to be the ten most significant events in the history of the Church during the period from AD 100 to AD 1500
Discuss their significance, and say why you chose them - remember to cite your sources

Prepare, save, and submit your Paper as one document to Canvas.


Final Paper for submission by 12 noon, MONDAY, May 6, 2024

Choose what seem to you to be the ten most significant events in the history of the Church during the period from AD 1500 to the present
Discuss their significance, and say why you chose them - remember to cite your sources

Prepare, save, and submit your Paper as one document to Canvas.


The Papers should be 2,000-6,000 words in length (200 to 600 words per event)


Copyright © 2005 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : March 9, 2024

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