RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Module 2

Module Learning Objectives and their relationships to Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Module, you will be able to :

  1. Describe and discuss some of the historical examples of the dialog between Science and Religion. (CLO A)
  2. Describe and discuss the philosophical basis for the dialog between Science and Religion. (CLO A)
  3. Describe and discuss the debates about the theory of evolution. (CLOs A & D)
  • Science and Religion - A Very Short Introduction : chapters 4, 5, & 6

    I suggest that you do not try to read all three chapters at one sitting, but that you spread them over at least three days.
    Read one chapter a day, and spend some time thinking about what you have read.
    Then answer the questions on that chapter.
    Make notes of anything you would like to ask me, and include those in your report.
  • Notes for this Module
InterNet Links for this Module
Reading Report 2
  1. From chapter 4 : What was Darwin's reaction to the jungles of South America
  2. What family and other circumstances influenced Darwin's rejection of some of the religious views of his time
  3. Discuss William Paley's view of natural theology
  4. Which two theories as to the origin of species did Darwin reject, and why did he reject them
  5. What was peculiar about the animal and plant populations of the Galapagos islands, and how did this give Darwin the idea for the processes of species differentiation
  6. How did the writings of Robert Malthus help Darwin to develop his theories
  7. In your own words, describe the theory of natural selection and give at least one example
  8. How did Darwin conclude his book On the Origin of Species . . .
  9. What additional questions does the theory of evolution raise for modern Jews
  10. Discuss Roman Catholic views on the theory of evolution
  11. From chapter 5 : According to the text-book, what is the primary (underlying) conflict causing the debate about teaching evolution and "Intelligent design" in American schools
  12. Give an account of the events leading up to the Scopes trial
  13. How would you characterize the positions of Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan during the Scopes trial
  14. What two institutions did Henry Morris found, and what were some of his motivations
  15. According to the textbook, what was the original intent of the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment to the US Constitution
  16. From chapter 6 : According to the textbook, what are some of the questions which evolution raises with regard to human nature
  17. Discuss the flaws in Woody Allen's remark about immortality
  18. Discuss the flaws in Richard Dawkins' view of the "Selfish Gene"
  19. Discuss the ethics of doing "what is natural"
  20. Discuss the political problems of altruism

For some of your answers you may have to go beyond the textbook
Remember to cite your sources

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document.

Discussion Board 2

Thread - Whom would you most like to have been :
Charles Darwin, William Paley, Michael Behe, William Jennings Bryan, Clarence Darrow ?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.

Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the dialog between Science and Religion?

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 19, 2021

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