RELG 340 - Science and Religion

InterNet Links

See also the Biographies Link Page


Module 1

Natural Theology
Natural Theology - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Scientific Method
The Enlightenment - Scientific Method
Beyond the Big Bang - Copernicus
Lourdes - online book at Project Gutenberg
Bernadette of Lourdes - New World Encyclopedia
Miracles - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Miracles - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Quantum Theory and Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics - Academic Kids
The Usenet Physics FAQ - at UC Riverside
Quantum theory - NCSU
Index for Benjamin Crowell's Online Textbook of Physics - for those who want to brush up their physics
The General Theory of Relativity - Bernard Crowell's Online Textbook
Index for Benjamin Crowell's Online Textbook of General Relativity
Quantum Physics - by Bernard Crowell
Quantum theory - PBS
John Preskill's Lectures on Quantum Theory Links to Lecture Notes for Physics 219 at Cal Tech
Quantum Mechanics - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Quantum theory -
The videos are long lectures - only watch them if you want to get further into Quantum Theory
Hans Bethe - Cornell University - 3 Lectures on Quantum Theory - given at age 93, to the residents of a Retirement Home
Stanford University Lecture list for Dr. Susskind's lectures - "Quantum Mechanics for old people"
Susskind's first Lecture - the rest of the series are also linked to this page
Consciousness and the Limits of Science - Prof. Russell Stannard - First of a series of Lectures, The Open University
Free Will and Determinism - Prof. Russell Stannard - second of a series of Lectures, The Open University

Back to Module 1

Module 2

The Thirty-nine Articles
The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion
About the Thirty-nine Articles
Articles of Religion - American version

Back to Module 2

Module 3

Gifford Lectures
The Gifford Lectures - index page
Ian Barbour - Gifford Lectures site
Religion in an Age of Science - Ian Barbour, Gifford Lecture Series
Ethics in an Age of Technology - Ian Barbour, Gifford Lecture Series
Gifford Lectures Revisited - Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne, Holmes Raston, and Charles Taylor
The Open University
The Open University Main Page
History of the OU - Open University site
OpenLearn - the Open University's section of free courses
The Open University's YouTube site
What is Glycobiology - UCSD site
Essentials of Glycobiology, Index page for Online Textbook - NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Glycobiology, Introduction, and links to articles - Science Magazine
Fast ForWord
Fast Forword - Main site
Fast Forword - Sonic Learning site
Fast Forword - LearnFast site
Fast Forword - Listen and Learn Center
The SSQ Program
SSQ - a Retrospective
Science and the Spiritual Quest - CTNS site
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences - CTNS site
Report on an SSQ Conference
SSQ II participants - CTNS site
Science and the Spiritual Quest, e-book - Free download
Introduction to an SSQ Conference - National Center for Science Education
Science and Spirituality, report of SSQ Meeting at Harvard. Jane Goodall addresses the Meeting
SSQ Interviews, Index Page - Counterbalance site
A Review of SSQ - The Free Library
See also IBCSR
IBCSR - Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion

Back to Module 3

Module 4

The Nature of Light
Light and Matter - New World Encyclopedia
Cosmic Ripples
George Smoot and Cosmology
Cosmic Ripples - BBC News Report
George Smoot - Nobel Prize Site
Big Bang Cosmology - YouTube video
Quarks and Gluons - sub-atomic particles
Quarks - Georgia State University site
Gluons - Georgia State University site
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal - Bernard Crowell's Online Textbook
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal - New World Encyclopedia
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal - American Institute of Physics
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Anthropic Principle
The Anthropic Principle - set of pages at San Francisco State University (the background is black, and the text very hard to read)
Cosmology and the Anthropic Principal - American Institute of Physics
The Anthropic Principle
The Hippocampus
Animated .gif file showing the location of the hippocampus
What is the Hippocampus?

Back to Module 4

Module 5

Refresh your Physics
The Usenet Physics FAQ - at UC Riverside
Sub-atomic particles - quarks, gluons, etc.
See the links for Week 4, and
Sub-atomic particles - list of (just about all) particles, either substantiated or postulated, with links to definitions and descriptions
Sub-atomic particles - scroll down for article
Chart of fundamental particles - click on chart to enlarge or move around
The Higg's Boson - CERN
Sub-atomic particles - Science clarified
The Higg's Boson - National Geographic
The Higg's Boson and other particles - BBC site
What is the Higg's Boson - video, Guardian site
What is the Higg's Boson? - YouTube video from CERN
Higg's Boson - YouTube video from CERN
Peter Higgs talks about the Higg's Boson - YouTube video from CERN
Physicists reaction to news of the Higg's Boson - YouTube video from CERN
Quantum Field Theory
Link to a .pdf file of Mark Srednicki's textbook on Quantum Field Theory
.pdf file of the draft of Mark Srednicki's textbook
The EPR Experiment
The EPR Experiment - UC Riverside
The EPR Experiment - (Einstein-Podolski-Rosen)
Bohr, Einstein, and the EPR Experiment - .pdf file
The EPR Argument - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The EPR Argument - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The EPR Experiment - YouTube video
Quantum Mechanics - Part 1 of a course at the Open University
Quantum Theory - Part 2 of a course at the Open University
Quantum Theory - Part 3 of a course at the Open University
Quantum Theory - Part 4 of a course at the Open University
Quantum Theory - the EPR Experiment - Part 5 of a course at the Open University
Quantum Theory - testing the EPR Experiment - Part 6 of a course at the Open University
Quantum Theory - Part 7 of a course at the Open University
Newton's Laws
Newton's Laws of Motion
Newton's Laws Intro page - The Physics Classroom
Complexity Theory
Complexity Theory - CALResCo
Complexity Writings index - CALResCo
Complexity Theory - Oded Godreich, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Complexity Theory - Overview - Oded Godreich, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Introduction to Complexity Theory - Oded Godreich, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Chaos Theory
Chaos: Classical and Quantum - Chapter Index for Online Book
The Chaos Group at the U. of Maryland - links in last paragraph lead to articles articles
Nonlinear dynamics: How Science comprehends chaos - Lecture at Harvard University
Chaos and Complexity - Resources for students and Teachers - Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences
Chaos Hypertextbook - Chapter Index for Online Book
Chaos - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 1 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 2 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 3 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 4 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 5 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 6 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 7 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 8 - YouTube video
The Mathematics of Chaos Theory Part 9 - YouTube video
Chaos - Making a New Science Part 1 - YouTube Audio
Chaos - Making a New Science Part 2 - YouTube Audio
Chaos - Making a New Science Part 3 - YouTube Audio
Chaos - Making a New Science Part 4 - YouTube Audio
Chaos - Making a New Science - transcript from the Prologue
Strange Attractor
Modeling Evolution - pdf file by John Milnor
Attractors - Scholarpedia
Strange Attractors - The Chaos Hypertextbook

Back to Module 5

Module 6

The Big Bang and the Big Crunch
A History of Scientific Cosmology - American Institute of Physics
Big Bang or Steady State? - American Institute of Physics

Back to Module 6

Module 7

Baha'i Faith - Official Website of the Baha'is of the USA
Baha'i Faith - International Baha'i website
Baha'i index page for a series of webpages - BBC Site
The Orthodox Baha'i Faith
Baha'is - Philtar site
Essays on Baha'i - Religious Tolerance Site

Back to Module 7

Module 8

The Anthropic Principle
See the links for Week 4
Cellular structure and organelles
Structure of the cell, use the links at the Right-hand-side of the page for information on specific organelles -
The Nucleus -
Mitosis -
Meiosis - Biology4Kids.cpm
Chloroplasts -
Photosynthesis -
Prokaryotes -
Eukaryotes -
Cell Respiration - The Cytochrome system - Biology Online
The Cells Alive site
Cells Alive site - clear explanations, with some great animations. Use the menu at the left-hand side of the page to access topics
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells - Cells Alive site
Mitosis - Cells Alive site
Meiosis - Cells Alive site
Actomyosin, Actins, Myosin
Myosin and associated Muscle Proteins
The Actomyosin Interaction and Its Control by Tropomyosin - Paper by Ken Holmes
Actin - new World Encyclopedia
Myofibrils Wikipedia Article - I do not usually recommend articles in Wikipedia, but this one gives a clear explanation of muscle structure
Myosin and Actin - Video by Khan Academy
Actin, Myosin, and Cell Movement, chapter from "The Cell: A Molecular Approach" by Geoffrey M Cooper - National Center for Biotechnology Information site
Actomyosin in muscle contraction
Platonic Forms
The Theory of Forms - PHIL 320 Washington U.
Forms as Objects of Knowledge - PHIL 320 Washington U.
Plato and the Theory of Forms - Philosophical Society site
Video of Nelson Mandela explaining the meaning of ubuntu - click on the file name to run the video
Trypanosomiasis - Infection Landscapes
East African trypanosomiasis - EoE site
West African Trypanosomiasis - EoE site
Human African trypanosomiasis - World Health Organization
African trypanosomiasis - WHO

Back to Module 8

Module 9

The Human Genome Project
National Human Genome Project - site may be down for maintenance :-(
About the Human Genome Project - archived site
Obituary of Francis Crick - BBC archives
The Sequence of the Human Genome - "Science" paper by Craig Venter
Gene Ed - Genetics, Education, Discovery
The Human Genome Project - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Interview with Fred Sanger - He was awarded two Nobel Prizes - one for sequencing proteins, and a second for sequencing nucleic acids - Nobel Prize site
Photo 51 - the breakthrough X-ray crystallography photo by Rosalind Franklin - BBC archives
Cracking the Code of Life - PBS program from April 17, 2001. Click on the "Watch the Program" if you want to watch - but it's 2 hours long. A transcript is also available on the site - general information on the Human Genome
Recombinant DNA
Gene Splicing and recombinant DNA
The Basics of recombinant DNA - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Raelians - Apologetics Index
Raelians claim to clone a baby (in 2003) - we haven't heard much more from them about this since then
Raelians and cloning - Time Magazine
Raelians - World Religion and Spirituality Project
Raelian claims to cloning babies (in 2002)
Four Spiritual Laws
The Four Spiritual Laws
The Roman Road
the Roman Road to God - All About God
What is the Roman Road to Salvation - Got
The Romans Road
EE - Evangelism Explosion
Steps to Life - Evangelism
Evangelism Explosion
Beethoven's Eroica symphony
Beethoven's Eroica Symphony - Web Site of information
Beethoven's Symphonies - Links to mp3 and MIDI files
Beethoven's Eroica - PBS video
The 1972 Olympic Games
The 1972 Munich Olympics -
The 1972 Munich Olympics
The Munich Massacre

Back to Module 9

Module 10

Subatomic particles - gravitons, muon, Higg's boson
About the Higg's Boson - CERN
What is the Higg's Boson - FermiLab professor on YouTube
The Higg's Boson - CERN
The Particle Zoo - )a bit out-of-date) - U. of Adelaide Physics Dept.
Quest for the Boson - Reuters
What exactly is the Higg's Boson - Scientific American
The Bose in the Boson - IHT Global Opinion
What is the Higg's Boson, with video - The Guardian
A Crash Course in Particle Physics, part 1 - Brian Cox, U. of Manchester Prof on YouTube
A Crash Course in Particle Physics, part 2 - Brian Cox, U. of Manchester Prof on YouTube
Particle Physics - CERN video on You Tube
Occam's Razor
What is Occam's Razor - U. of Adelaide Physics Dept.
William of Ockham - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Simplicity - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Mathematical Singularity
Mathematical Singularity - Kids.Net.Au
SETI Institute
What is SETI?
NASA's SETI Program - pdf file
SETI at Berkeley - UC Berkeley
SETI Talks - series of You Tube videos
SETI, index page - use links to articles - NASA
Project Orion, index page - use links to articles - NASA
Life in the Universe, index page - use links to articles - NASA
The Strong Nuclear Force
The Strong Nuclear Force - Professor George Smoot's Group, Berkeley
Fundamental Forces - Georgia State U.
The Cambrian Explosion
The Cambrian Explosion - Biology Reference site
The Cambrian Explosion - Fossil Museum site
Fossils of the Burgess Shale - Fossil Museum site
The Cambrian Explosion - PBS
The Burgess Shale
The Cambrian Explosion and the Burgess Shale
The Cambrian Period - U. of California Museum of Paleontology
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis - Genetics Home Reference
Cystic fibrosis
The Cystic fibrosis Foundation
Cystic fibrosis - Mayo Clinic
Cystic fibrosis part 2 - Mayo Clinic

Back to Module 10

Module 11

Institute for Creation Research
Institute for Creation Research web site
Creation Studies Institute

Back to Module 11

Module 12

Creationism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
ID - Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design 101
Defending Intelligent Design - Nova site
Defending the Integrity of Science - Robert T. Pennock - Michigan State U.
The Discovery Institute
Discovery Institute Website
Theistic Evolution
Theistic Evolution - Biologos site
Theistic Evolution - Old Earth Creationist site
Christianity and Evolution - theistic-evolution site
BioLogos - BioLogos site
Reconciling Science with Scripture - by John Walton of BioLogos
American Scientific Affiliation
American Scientific Affiliation - Website
ASA Resources - on Faith-Science Issues
Bach's Mass in B Minor
J. S. Bach Mass in B Minor - video - runs for nearly 2 hours - only watch a bit of it
A Rube Goldberg Monster Trap
This is just for a bit of relaxation after a hard day's study.
The text (p. 189) speaks of Rube Goldberg and his "inventions". The first is a video of a young physicist who decided to catch a monster with a trap designed on Rube Goldberg's principle that "more complicated is better".

Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap - YouTube
Rube Goldberg Cat Feeder - YouTube

Back to Module 12

Module 13

The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity - Trinity International University
Environmental Ethics - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ethics of Human/Non-Human Chimeras - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Ethics of Clinical Research - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ethics of Human Organ Donation - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Sale of Human Organs - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Justice, Inequality, and Health - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Justice and Access to Health care - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Animals and Ethics - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Environmental Ethics - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
U.S. National Library of Medicine - Bioethics Information Resources - National Institutes of Health
Stem cells and cloning
Cloning - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ethics of Stem Cell Research - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Cloning - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine -
Telephone interview with Sir. John B. Gurdon -
Dolly the sheep
Dolly the Sheep - Roslin Institute
Cloning of farm animals
Death of Dolly the Sheep
Dolly the Sheep - YouTube video
Cloning 101 - YouTube video

Back to Module 13

Module 14

Cold Spring Harbor
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Website
The John Templeton Foundation
John Templeton Foundation - website
Sir John Templeton - John Templeton Foundation
The Templeton Prize - John Templeton Foundation
Big Questions Online - John Templeton Foundation - might not load

Back to Module 14

Module 15

Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve
The Jane Goodall Institute
Gombe Stream National Park - CBS
Roots and Shoots
Roots and Shoots Institute - Roots and Shoots main page
About Roots and Shoots - Roots and Shoots site
Ethology definition -
Ethology - New World Encyclopedia
Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - main web site
lambda calculus
A Tutorial Introduction to the lambda calculus - .pdf file, by Prof. Rojas of the Freie Universität Berlin Lambda Calculi - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Introduction to Lambda Calculus, by Henk Barendregt - pdf file, Nijmegen University
Zen Buddhism
What is Zen? - Rinzai-Obaku Zen website
Zen Buddhism - BBC site
Zen Meditation - BBC site
The ZenSite
Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Set Theory
Set Theory - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Turing Machine
Turing Machines - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Theravada Buddhism
Theravada - DhammaWiki
Theravada Buddhism website
What is Theravada Buddhism?

Back to Module 15


Return to Assignments

Be careful when trolling the InterNet - there are some very strange sites out there. There are also many very good informative ones. As part of this course, I hope you will develop the ability to distinguish a good factual presentation from one which is merely someone's opinion and personal agenda.
Also, be very careful to cite your sources, and try to put things into your own words, rather than just copying and pasting from a web page.

Remember to cite your sources

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : February 3, 2020

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