RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Module 11

Module Learning Objectives and their relationships to Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Module, you will be able to :

  1. Describe and discuss the current state of the Science and Religion dialogue, with particular reference to atheism. (CLO A)
  2. Describe and discuss current theories of evolution, with particular reference to Creationism. (CLO D)
InterNet Links for this Module
Reading Report 11
  1. From chapter 6 : what remark of Dr. Collins caused some of his listeners to walk out of a national gathering of Christian physicians
  2. What question did Augustine of Hippo (St. Augustine) raise about the duration of the seven days of biblical creation
  3. What scripture led Augustine to conclude that God is outside time.
  4. How is the Hebrew word for day, "yom", used in Scripture
  5. What good advice can we gain from Augustine's writings
  6. What theory was disturbed when Galileo discovered that Jupiter had four moons in orbit around it
  7. How did Caccini enunciate an extreme anti-science reaction
  8. According the Augustine, what is the great danger to non-Christians when a Christian expounds an ignorant opinion about the universe
  9. With what exhortation from Galileo does Dr. Collins conclude this chapter
  10. From chapter 7 : In what ways did some of the early astronauts show their religious faith
  11. How did Augustine of Hippo (St. Augustine) express humanity's search for God
  12. When did atheism start to come into prominence
  13. What is Richard Dawkins' first argument in favor of atheism, and how does Alistair McGrath dispose of it
  14. What is Richard Dawkins' second argument in favor of atheism, and how does Dr. Collins counter it
  15. What is Richard Dawkins' third argument in favor of atheism, and how does Dr. Collins counter it
  16. What is the major flaw in Dawkins' claim that science demands atheism
  17. What is the essence of what Stephen J. Gould wrote about Dawkins' position
  18. What are the two varieties of agnosticism
  19. What has happened to some of the agnostics who made a genuine effort to consider the evidence for and against the existence of God
  20. From chapter 8 : What is the broadest sense of the term "creationist", and how has this been changed when it is used as "Creationist"
  21. What questions does Dr. Collins ask about Young Earth Creationists' attempts to "defend" God
  22. What theological dead-end does Young Earth Creationism lead towards
  23. What are some of the dangers of the current Young Earth Creationist stance
  24. According to Dr. Collins, what is right about the evangelistic Christian church
  25. Give a brief summary of Benjamin Warfield's challenge to Christians

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document.

Discussion Board 11

Thread - Whom would you most like to have been, or to have had as a mentor :
Buzz Aldrin, Augustine of Hippo, Alister McGrath, Stephen J. Gould, Asa Gray, Charles D. Walcott, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Benjamin Warfield?
Choose whom you would most like to have been, or to have had as a mentor, write an account of his life, and say why you chose him rather than any of the others.

Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the dialog between Science and Religion?

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Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 19, 2021

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