RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Module 9

Module Learning Objectives and their relationships to Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Module, you will be able to :

  1. Describe and discuss Dr. Francis Collins' view of the Science and Religion dialogue. (CLOs A & F)
InterNet Links for this assignment
Reading Report 9
  1. From the Introduction : What sentences from President Clinton's speech does Dr. Collins quote as being the ones which most attracted public attention?
  2. What does Dr. Collins say is the central question of his book, and how does he answer it?
  3. From chapter 1 : What four qualities seem to separate humanity from other creatures?
  4. What is meant by altruism?
  5. On p.29 Dr. Collins gives a quote from C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity. Re-phrase this quote for yourself, putting "God" in place of "a controlling power outside the universe"
  6. In actual fact, Christians believe that God did show Himself to us inside the universe - can you think how.
  7. Reflect upon chapter 1 and write a summary of Dr. Collins' spiritual journey up to that point.
  8. From chapter 2 : What sorts of questions did Dr. Collins have about God and religion, and how did he deal with his doubts?
  9. What four objections to Christian Faith did Dr. Collins face in his early days of newborn faith?
  10. How does Dr. Collins counter the argument that the idea of God is just wish fulfillment?
  11. How does Dr. Collins counter the argument that much harm has been done in the name of Religion?
  12. Besides violence, in what two other ways may the church sully the truth of religious faith?
  13. What two atheistic societies does Dr. Collins cite as being violent and abusive?
  14. How does Dr. Collins counter the argument that a loving God would not allow suffering in the world?
  15. What answer does Dr. Collins give to the question of what is the most important relationship we are to develop on this earth?
  16. How does Dr. Collins answer the question about a rational person believing in miracles?
  17. How does Dr. Collins define the word "miracle"?

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document.

Discussion Board 9

Thread - What insights has this week's reading given you into the dialog between Science and Religion? Discuss at least one leading idea which came to you as you read these chapters

Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - What are your thoughts about the insights and ideas of your classmates?

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : January 12, 2022

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