RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Module 6

Module Learning Objectives and their relationships to Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Module, you will be able to :

  1. Describe and discuss how a physicist views the Science and Religion dialogue. (CLOs A, F & G)
InterNet Links for this Module
Reading Report 6
  1. From chapter 7 : According to Dr. Polkinghorne, where is the ground of hope
  2. How did the ancient Hebrews see the relationship between body and soul
  3. How does Dr. Polkinghorne view the relationship between this universe (the old creation) and the new creation
  4. How does Dr. Polkinghorne express his hope as a Christian
  5. From chapter 8 : What does Dr. Polkinghorne see as the common desire of both science and religion
  6. What is Dr. Polkinghorne's strategy for examining and accepting a scientific theory
  7. Why does Dr. Polkinghorne accept the existence of God
  8. How does Dr. Polkinghorne describe the relationship between science and religion
  9. What types of reality do we encounter in science and religion respectively
  10. If you were to meet Dr. Polkinghorne, what questions would you like to ask him. and why

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document.

Discussion Board 6

Thread - What insights has Dr. Polkinghorne's book given you into the dialog between Science and Religion? Discuss at least one new idea which came to you as you read this book

Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - What are your thoughts about the insights and ideas of your classmates?

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 19, 2021

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