RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Module 13

Module Learning Objectives and their relationships to Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Module, you will be able to :

  1. Describe and discuss some current ethical questions raised by scientific endeavors. (CLO E)
InterNet Links for this Module
Reading Report 13
  1. What does the discipline of bioethics consider
  2. What are some of the positive outcomes that could result from DNA testing for individuals (Personalized Medicine)
  3. What was one ethical problem that faced Dr. Collins and Dr. Weber with the question of DNA testing for the family with the BRCA1 mutation
  4. What could be some of the problems with release of personal DNA information to third parties
  5. What is Dr. Collins' assessment of the problem of access to adequate medical care for the poor in the U.S.A.
  6. What are the four ethical principles of bioethics proposed by T. L. Beauchamp and J. F. Childress
  7. Where do human embryonic stem cells come from
  8. What ethical questions does work on human embryonic stem cells raise
  9. What ethical questions does IVF (in vitro fertilization) raise
  10. What is the difference between cultivating stem cells from human embryos and producing them by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
  11. What are some of the reasons for not pursuing human reproductive cloning
  12. What is the likelihood that if one of a pair of identical twins is homosexual, then the other will also be. What does this indicate about sexual orientation and DNA
  13. What other aspects of human individuality may be influenced to some extent by our genes
  14. What other influences on human behavioral traits are there besides heredity
  15. What sorts of medical enhancements are currently available and may be used without ethical problems
  16. What sorts of medical enhancements might be considered unethical or immoral
  17. What sorts of medical enhancements might be used either ethically or unethically, depending on circumstances
  18. What is one of the ethical problems with altering the germ-line DNA of a human being
  19. What are some further ethical problems with IVF used in conjunction with pre-implantation genetic analysis
  20. Why do we need to have scientists and people of faith working together

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document.

Discussion Board 13

Thread - What insights and ideas has this week's reading given you into the ethical and moral questions raised by science and medicine today, and how we should address them? Discuss at least one leading idea which came to you as you read the appendix

Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - What are your thoughts about the insights and ideas of your classmates?

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Last Updated : December 19, 2021

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