RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Module 7

Module Learning Objectives and their relationships to Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Module, you will be able to :

  1. Describe and discuss how several scientists from different religions engage in the Science and Religion dialogue. (CLOs A, F, & G)
  2. Describe and discuss some ethical questions raised by scientific endeavors. (CLO E)
InterNet Links for this Module
Reading Report 7
  1. From chapter 3 : In what fields of science has Dr. Chamcham been active
  2. What is Dr. Chamcham's religious affiliation
  3. What other religious studies has Dr. Chamcham been involved with
  4. What sort of information does Dr. Chamcham hope that the Hubble Space Telescope will provide, and how may that relate to the creation of the universe
  5. How does Dr. Chamcham express the relationship between time and humanity (see p.63)
  6. What does Dr. Chamcham mean when he uses the term "religion"
  7. How does Dr. Chamcham describe the limitations of science
  8. How does Dr. Chamcham react to the fact of our existence
  9. How does Dr. Chamcham see the meaning of work
  10. What is one of the things that gives Dr. Chamcham happiness in his work
  11. What spiritual practice is important to Dr. Chamcham, and why
  12. How does Dr. Chamcham relate to people with other beliefs or religions (see pages 71-72)
  13. What does Dr. Chamcham see as the duty of every human being
  14. If you were to meet Dr. Chamcham, what questions would you like to ask him, and why
  15. From chapter 7 : To what faith does Dr. Vargha-Khadem belong, and what are its main aims
  16. What is Dr. Vargha-Khadem's view of potential conflicts between science and religion
  17. What difference does Dr. Vargha-Khadem notice between people in their twenties or thirties, and people who are getting older
  18. According to Dr. Vargha-Khadem, what need do most people seem to have within themselves
  19. What does Dr. Vargha-Khadem say is lacking in current childhood education
  20. What does Dr. Vargha-Khadem regard as maybe the most important part of a human being's life
  21. If you were to meet Dr. Vargha-Khadem, what question would you like to ask her, and why
  22. From chapter 11 : What is Henry Thompson's religious background, and what are some of its main concerns
  23. What sorts of ethical and moral dilemmas does has Henry Thompson faced with regard to his scientific work
  24. Why is Henry Thompson not in favor of developing a computer to act as a legal judge
  25. How does Henry Thompson describe the inner (or inward) light
  26. How does Henry Thompson try to incorporate the "will of God" and the "kingdom of God on Earth" into his life
  27. If you were to meet Henry Thompson, what question would you like to ask him, and why

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document.

Discussion Board 7

Thread - Whom would you most like to have as a mentor :
Khalil Chamcham, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, Henry Thompson?
Choose the person with whom you would most like to work, write an account of his/her life, and say why you chose him/her rather than any of the others.

Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads - If possible, choose Threads which deal with different people.
What are your thoughts about the people chosen, and their influence on the dialog between Science and Religion?

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 19, 2021

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