RELG 340 - Science and Religion

Course Notes for Module 5

Quarks, Chaos, & Christianity : chapters 4, 5 & 6

p.56 - quarks and gluons
These are elementary particles of the universe. See the Links page for more information.
p.65-66 : anti-reductionist
The term anti-reductionist applies to those who do not agree with the reductionist view (reductionist = "nothing-butter"). The anti-reductionist view is often expressed as "emergence", and holds that the "whole" is greater than the sum of the parts - i.e. one cannot find out what a complex organism is by just taking it apart and reducing it to a sum of components.
p.90 - deliverance of Israel
See Exodus, 13:7 - 14:31
p.91 - God's relation to time
I do not agree with Dr. Polkinghorne's view that God does not know the unformed future. I am much more inclined to what he calls the "classical theological idea" - that God is outside time, and independent of time. God has written the book of creation, and God has already read the last chapter of the book.
The view expressed by Dr. Polkinghorne is influenced by "process theology" which was widely taught and accepted in the late twentieth-century, particularly in the Anglican church.
p.98 - stilling of the storm
See Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25
p.103 - Paul's conversion on the Damascus Road
see Acts 9:1-9
p.103 - accounts of the risen Lord
see Matt.28:9-10, 16-20; Mark 16:9-20; Luke 24:13-49; John 20:14 - 21:24



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