RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

Module 7 - Druze, Baha'i, Nation of Islam


Module Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :

  1. Identify the people and main events associated with the Druze, Baha'i, Nation of Islam.
  2. Discuss the literature associated with the Druze, Baha'i, Nation of Islam.
  3. Describe the teachings and ethical standards of the Druze, Baha'i, Nation of Islam.
  4. Describe the world-view associated with the Druze, Baha'i, Nation of Islam.
  5. Describe the varieties of worship associated with the Druze, Baha'i, Nation of Islam.


Optional InterNet Resources

  • Go here for optional Links for the Druze
  • Go here for optional Links for Baha'is.
  • Go here for optional Links for Nation of Islam
  • Useful articles can be found by using the Topics as search words in GoodSearch
  • Remember - always cite your sources

Study Questions

Before taking the Test, prepare an answer sheet for yourself by answering the following questions. Then you may use it, along with the textbook and the course notes, to answer the questions on the Test and to formulate a thread for the Discussion Board.

  1. Which two countries of the world have the highest number of Druze inhabitants?
  2. What does the Ismaili group of Shi'ite Islam hold about the leaders of the Islamic community?
  3. Who is regarded as the first founding father of the Druze religion,when did he live, and what did he do?
  4. Who is regarded as the second founding father of the Druze religion, and what did he do?
  5. What are the two main classes in Druze society, and how are they differentiated from one another?
  6. What is the Druze symbol, what are its five colors, and what do they represent?
  7. What are the Seven Commandments of the Druze?
  8. Who was the Bab, how did he think of himself, and what happened to him?
  9. Who claimed to be the successor to the Bab, and what else did he claim for himself?
  10. What do Baha'is believe about God?
  11. How do Baha'is view Krishna, Moses, Zarathustra, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed?
  12. How did Baha'u'llah regard himself?
  13. What was the core truth that Baha'u'llah proclaimed, and what consequences did this have for world government?
  14. What are Baha'is twelve principles of thought and behavior?
  15. What did Baha'u'llah consider to be the mission of the Baha'i community?
  16. According to the textbook, what were some of the reasons that African Americans were attracted to Islam?
  17. Who was the founder of the Nation of Islam, and what were the three main concepts of his teaching?
  18. How did Wallace Muhammad change the teachings of the Nation of Islam after the death of his father, and what happened to the organization afterwards?
  19. Write an account of the life and teachings of the current leader of the Nation of Islam.
  20. Describe the ways that Druze, Bahaii, and Nation of Islam differ from Islam

For some of your answers you may have to go beyond the textbook
Prepare a set of answers for yourself, then use it to help you answer the Test and post your Thread to the Discussion Board

Discussion Board 7

Thread :
While Baha'u'lláh was in exile or in prison he wrote to many world leaders, including Pope Pius IX, the Emperor Napoleon III of France, Tsar Alexander II of Russia, Queen Victoria of Britain, the Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, and the President of the USA. The class notes tell you what sort of messages he sent. Write to one of the world leaders listed, or to any other leader of your choice from that period, as if you were the Baha'u'lláh expounding your ideas.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' Threads :
If possible, choose Threads addressed to two different world leaders, and write as if you were those persons replying to Baha'u'lláh.
Try to be diplomatic, and to represent the point of view of the religion(s) of the leaders you choose.

Test 7

Go to the Test Section of the course, and take the test at least once before 12 noon of the Monday following the weekly assignment.
You will have 1 hour to complete the test.
You may take the test three times before the cut-off time.
Questions will vary each time you take the test.
Your ighest score will count towards your course grade.

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 8, 2022

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