RELG 402 - World's Living Religions


This page links to documents collected from around the web and other places. Too often websites go down and important resources become unavailable, so these documents are linked to this page as a resource for the study of religions and religious leaders.
The groups are presented in the order in which they are studied during the course.

General Helps

  • Reflective Writing - Guidance Notes for Students, by Pete Watton, Jane Collings, Jenny Moon, of Exeter University, Britain

Documents relating to the Samaritans

Documents relating to Messianic Judaism

Documents relating to the Branch Davidian group at Waco, TX

Documents relating to the Covenant, the Sword, the Arm of the Lord

Documents relating to Heaven's Gate

Documents relating to Jim Jones, Jonestown, and the Peoples Temple

  • Peoples Temple - paper given by Rebecca Moore, 2006
  • Peoples Temple - testimonies - Lecture given by Rebecca Moore, 2013
    Rebecca Moore's two sisters and her nephew (a son of Jim Jones) died in the Jonestown massacre

Documents relating to the Bahai'i

Documents relating to the Druze

Documents relating to Hinduism

Documents relating to Buddhism

Documents relating to Zen Buddhism and Zen Taoism

Documents relating to Taoism

Documents relating to the Navajo

Documents relating to the Hopi

  • Kachinas - pamphlet by the Museum of Anthropology, University of Missouri-Columbia

Documents relating to the Plains Indians

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 23, 2022

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