RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

Module 9 - Buddhism

Module Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :

  1. Identify the people and main events associated with Buddhism.
  2. Discuss the literature associated with Buddhism.
  3. Describe the teachings and ethical standards of Buddhism.
  4. Describe the world-view associated with Buddhism.
  5. Describe the varieties of worship associated with Buddhism.
Optional InterNet Resources
  • Go here for Links to optional extra resources for this week.
  • Useful articles can be found by using Search Engines such as GoodSearch
  • Remember - always cite your sources
Study Questions

Before taking the Test, prepare an answer sheet for yourself by answering the following questions. Then you may use it, along with the textbook and the course notes, to answer the questions on the Test and to formulate a Thread for the Discussion Board.

  1. Who was the main founding figure for Buddhism, when is the traditional date of his birth, and where did he live?
  2. What were the "Four Sights" and how did they affect Siddhartha? What did he do as a result?
  3. Discuss the Buddha's "Three Marks of Existence"
  4. What are the "Four Noble Truths" of Buddhism, and how do they reflect ancient Indian medical practice?
  5. What is the "Noble Eight-fold Path" of Buddhism, what are its three divisions, and what are their aims?
  6. Which Buddhist monastic tradition dates from the earliest period and survives to the present, what main text does it follow, and what does it teach?
  7. Which is the dominant from of Buddhism in East Asia, what does it teach about "Buddha Bodies", and what does it teach as the way to Buddhahood?
  8. What are the "Six Perfections", and what is a bodhisattva? Identify the bodhisattvas mentioned in the textbook.
  9. What are the characteristics of Pure Land Buddhism, what does it emphasize, and how does one enter into the Pure Land?
  10. What are the characteristics of Japanese Zen Buddhism, and how does it differ from Pure Land Buddhism?
  11. What are the characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism? How did Buddhism enter Tibet, and what are the origins of the Dalai Lamas?
  12. How did Buddhism reach Japan? What form of Buddhism has had the greatest impact upon Japanese culture and values, and what form of Buddhism is influential among the Japanese military and cultural elites?
  13. What are the "Three Jewels" ( or "Three Refuges") of Buddhism, and what do they imply?
  14. What are the "Five Precepts", and what are the "Three Poisons"?
  15. Compare and contrast the two main forms of meditation used by Buddhists. What are the four postures which the Buddha taught for meditation?
  16. How are Mandalas used in Buddhism?
  17. Describe the process of ordination for a Buddhist monk or nun.
  18. What is a stupa and how might a Buddhist express devotion at a stupa? (you may have to go beyond the textbook to answer this question)
  19. Discuss the questions raised by the "Seeking Answers" section on page 184 of the textbook
  20. What is a koan and how is it used?

For some of your answers you may have to go beyond the textbook. Remember to cite your sources

Prepare a set of answers for yourself, then use it to help you answer the Test and post your Thread to the Discussion Board.

Discussion Board 9

Thread :
If you are a Buddhist, discuss what you would most like non-Buddhists to know about Buddhism.
If you are not a Buddhist, or if you are not comfortable identifying yourself either as Buddhist or non-Buddhist, discuss how Buddhism changed in traveling from India to China and Japan, or to Tibet.

Replies to 2 of your classmates' Threads :
If possible, choose Threads which deal with different topics.
Do you have any particular insights and/or experiences which might be helpful to the poster or to your classmates as a whole?

Test 9

Go to the Test Section of the course, and take the test at least once before 12 noon of the Monday following the Module.
You will have 1 hour to complete the test.
You may take the test three times before the cut-off time.
Questions will vary each time you take the test.
Your highest score will count towards your course grade.

Remember to cite your sources if you use any other than the textbook

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : December 8, 2022

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