RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

Module 10 - Jainism

Module Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :

  1. Identify the people and main events associated with Jainism.
  2. Discuss the literature associated with Jainism.
  3. Describe the teachings and ethical standards of Jainism.
  4. Describe the world-view associated with Jainism.
  5. Describe the varieties of worship associated with Jainism.
  • Textbook Chapter 6, Jainism
  • Notes on Jainism
  • Jainism page of the World Religion and Spirituality Project - Virginia Commonwealth University.
Optional InterNet Resources
  • Go here for Links to optional extra resources for this week.
  • Useful articles can be found by using Search Engines such as GoodSearch
  • Remember - always cite your sources
Study Questions

Before taking the Test, prepare an answer sheet for yourself by answering the following questions. Then you may use it, along with the textbook and the course notes, to answer the questions on the Test and to formulate a thread for the Discussion Board.

For some of your answers you may have to consult the Jainism page of the World Religion and Spirituality Project - Virginia Commonwealth University.

  1. What is a tirthankara or jina, and how many have there been in each cosmic cycle? Which is the most recent tirthankara?
  2. Write a paragraph on the life of Mahavira. How did he earn the title of Mahavira? What is one great difference between Mahavira and the Buddha?
  3. What is the most distinctive characteristic of Jain doctrine? Write out the Jain text which emphasizes this. How is it put into practice by Jains?
  4. What are the AAA - the three core practices of Jainism, and how do Jains express them in their lives?
  5. Discuss the Jain concept of time. In which age are we at present, and what consequences does this have for Jains?
  6. How does Jain belief differ from most other religions in its doctrine of creation?
  7. What do Jains believe about the cosmos?
  8. What do Jains believe about the jiva (soul), and how does this affect their actions in the world?
  9. What are the "Three Jewels of Jainism"?
  10. Which are the two main branches of Jainism, and how do they differ from one another?
  11. From the textbook, how does Mr. Girish Shah describe the Jain concept of "god"?
  12. What is Mr. Shah's attitude toward material possessions?
  13. According to Mr. Shah, what are some of the problems for Jains living in the USA rather than in India?
  14. What are two distinctive sects within Shvetambara Jainism, and how do they differ from each other and from the majority of Shvetambaras?
  15. How does a Jain become a renunciate (monk or nun)? Describe the life of a Jain ascetic.
  16. What are the five Jain Principles or vows (mahavratas), and how do these vary for monks and lay persons? (see the Notes as well as the textbook)
  17. What are some of the ways in which a Jain layperson can enhance his/her karmic status?
  18. Who broke the ban on Jain monks and nuns traveling other than on foot, and why did he do it? (see the Notes)
  19. How does Jain worship and prayer differ from that of most other religions?
  20. Describe the various components of the Jain symbol

For some of your answers you may have to go beyond the textbook. Remember to cite your sources

Prepare a set of answers for yourself, then use it to help you answer the Test and post your Thread to the Discussion Board.

Discussion Board 10

Thread :
Discuss the Jain concept of Ahimsa. How might Ahimsa impact your life if you were a Jain?

Replies to 2 of your classmates' Threads :
Do you have any particular insights and/or experiences which might be helpful to the poster or to your classmates as a whole?

Test 10

Go to the Test Section, and take the test at least once before 12 noon of the Monday following the Module.
You will have 1 hour to complete the test.
You may take the test three times before the cut-off time.
Questions will vary each time you take the test.
Your highest score will count towards your course grade.

Remember to cite your sources if you use any other than the textbook

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Dr. Rollinson

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Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 24, 2022

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