RELG 402 - World's Living Religions

Module 1


Module Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :

  1. Discuss the concept of religion.
  2. Describe some of the activities common to most religions.
  3. Discuss potential conflicts between a religion and the society in which its members live.
  4. Identify key moments in the human life cycle which are often marked by religious "rites of passage".
  5. Identify the World Views associated with various religions.
Optional InterNet Resources
  • Go here for Links to optional extra resources for this week.
  • Useful articles can be found by using Search Engines such as GoodSearch
  • Remember - always cite your sources
Study Questions

Before taking the Test, prepare an answer sheet for yourself by answering the following questions. Then you may use it, along with the textbook and the course notes, to answer the questions on the Test and to formulate a Thread for the Discussion Board

  1. Who was Emile Durkheim, and what is notable about his definition of religion? What might be a problem with this definition?
  2. Who was William James, and what is notable about his definition of religion? What might be a problem with this definition?
  3. Who was Paul Tillich, and what is notable about his definition of religion? What might be a problem with this definition?
  4. Discuss the effectiveness of the definition of religion given in the Harper-Collins Dictionary of Religion
  5. Describe the four "domains" which Bruce Lincoln associates with every religion
  6. According to the textbook, which religions do not focus on belief in supernatural beings?
  7. What three important questions are addressed by nearly all religions?
  8. Define the terms polytheism, monotheism, henotheism, pantheism, atheism, and agnosticism
  9. What is the Golden Rule (of ethics), and how might it be related to the Ten Commandments of Judaism and Christianity?
  10. Discuss Rudolf Otto's concept of the "numinous"
  11. Describe Ninian Smart's seven "dimensions" of religion, and show how these might relate to a religion with which you are already familiar (e.g. Christianity)
  12. According to the textbook, how is "myth" to be understood?
  13. According to the textbook, who is generally regarded as the founder of the modern field of religious studies? What do you think he meant by the quotation given in the textbook?
  14. Which four key moments in the human life cycle are often marked by "rites of passage"?
  15. Discuss one of the areas in which there may be a conflict between the beliefs of a religion and the society in which its members live
  16. Describe some of the forms and techniques of prayer
  17. Describe some of the forms and techniques of meditation
  18. What is a Pilgrimage? What are some of the reasons for going on a pilgrimage?
  19. What is a Retreat? What are some of the reasons for going on a retreat?
  20. What is syncretism? Give examples of syncretism

Prepare a set of answers for yourself, then use it to help you answer the Test and post your Thread to the Discussion Board

Discussion Board 1

Thread :
Choose a spiritual aid and discuss the way in which it might be used in the life of a college student.
Do you have any particular insights and/or experiences with the spiritual aid which you chose?

Replies to 2 of your classmates' Threads :
If possible, choose Threads which deal with different spiritual aids.
Do you have any particular insights and/or experiences which might be helpful to the poster or to your classmates as a whole?

Note - Spiritual aids are things that we can use to help us grow spiritually, or to bring us closer to God. They can include prayer, Bible study, fasting, and confession.
Some spiritual aids are described in the Notes on Reflection Papers and the Introductory Notes on Religions

Test 1

Go to the Test Section of the course, and take the test at least once before 12 noon of the Monday following the weekly assignment.
You will have 1 hour to complete the test.
You may take the test three times before the cut-off time.
Questions will vary each time you take the test.
Your highest score will count towards your course grade.

Remember to cite your sources if you use any other than the textbook

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : January 14, 2023

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