RELG 433 - Biblical Archaeology
Study Topics and Assignments
Module 15
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Jewish Revolts
The World of the New Testament
Module Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to :
- Describe and discuss the archaeological findings at Qumran (CLO C)
- Describe and discuss an Essene community of the First century AD (CLO D)
- Describe and discuss the Fall of Jerusalem to the Romans (CLO D)
- Describe and discuss the archaeological evidence of the Jewish Revolts (CLOs C & D)
No textbook readings this week
Course Notes
InterNet Resources
- Go here for Links to InterNet Resources
Reading Report
Prepare a Reading Report, in which you write a paragraph (ca. 300-500 words) on each of these topics.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Essenes and Qumran - the people and the site, rather than the scrolls
- The Fall of Jerusalem to the Romans
- Josephus
- Masada
- Gamla - also called Gamala
- Simon bar Kochbar
- Rabbi Akiva, or Akiba
- Emperor Vespasian of Rome
- The Arch of Titus, in Rome
Remember to cite your sources
Discussion Board 15
Thread : Describe and discuss one example of how Biblical archaeology could be used to help a Bible Study group appreciate the setting of some particular Biblical text or Book of the Bible (your choice).
Choose the archaeological setting and the Biblical text which is most interesting to you.
Replies to 2 of your classmates' threads : If possible, choose Threads which deal with different topics.
Reading Report
Submit your Reading Report to the correct box in Canvas by the due date
Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson
ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130
Last Updated : March 5, 2022
