Dr. Shirley's Links

For Links to Archaeological Digs which accept student workers, see the
Digs Page
For Links to Ancient History Sites, go here
For Links to Sites about places and peoples, go here
For Links to Archaeology in New Mexico, go here
For Links to studies on the Alphabet, go here

Aerial Views and Maps of Jerusalem - includes good commentaries and historical notes
Archaeological Excavations in Israel - Government of Israel
Archaeological Sites in Israel - Government of Israel
Israel - Archaeology from the Air - a Photographic Exhibit
Israel Museum's Virtual Dig - site is rather confusing. Follow the blue arrows to go through the "dig"
Jerusalem Mosaic Tour
The Temple Mount
History of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
Temple Mount History
Leen Ritmeyer's Temple Mount Pages
The Holy Sepulchre
Late Chalcolithic burial in Israel - Israel Museum, Jerusalem, with sidebar links to details
El Ahawat - a Sea Peoples' Fortified Site in Israel
En Gedi
Franciscan Custodians of the Holy Land
LMLK seals
Megiddo - water tunnel
Photo Gallery of Syria and Palestine (artefacts)
Sha'ar heGolan dig, training
Synagogues of the Second Temple Period
Jerusalem Perspective - free subscription to articles
Dead Sea Scrolls - good summary of main facts
Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition
Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition
Orion Center for the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Dead Sea Scrolls - timetable
Dead Sea Scrolls Project at the Oriental institute
West Semitic Research Project: Dead Sea Scrolls (USC)
Dead Sea Scrolls - interviews and seminar
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The Ain Ghazal Project
The Ain Ghazal Statue Project
Archaeology Interactive Dig - Petra
Moabite Stone
Moabite Stone - photo and translation
El Kerak Moabite inscription
Amman Citadel inscription
Heshbon Ostraca
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Ugaritic inscription
Cuneiform tablet
Tel Tuneinir in Syria
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Assyria Online
Mesopotamia (a part of the World Civilizations Site)
Sumerian literature
Photo Gallery of Ancient Mesopotamia
slides of Mesopotamia
Archaeological Site photos - Mesopotamia
Archaeological Site Photos - Oriental Institute Archive
Archaeology of Ancient Assyria
MetMuseum - archaeology & history of Iran
History of Archaeology in Persia
Excavation of Nippur - historical
Layard and Assyria
List of Mesopotamian city states, with links
Nineveh - theft of artefacts, also history of excavations
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Ancient Egypt (part of the World Civilizations Site)
Ancient Egypt on the Net
Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Government Site
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo
The Ancient Egypt Site
Egyptian Projects and InterNet Resources - a set of good Links by 6th grade students
Egyptology Resources - Newton Institute of the University of Cambridge
History of Egypt
Life in ancient Egypt
Oxyrhynchus : A City and its texts
The Pyramids and the Sphinx
At the Tomb of Tutankhamun : National Geographic's report on the opening of King Tut's tomb in 1923
Odyssey in Egypt - log into the week-by-week reports and illustrations of the excavations at Wadi Natrun in Egypt.
Archaeology Interactive Dig - Hierakonpolis - including Narmer's Temple
Egyptology Resources
History of Egypt
Life in ancient Egypt
Web Site of Dr. Zahi Hawass
Undersea archaeology in Egypt - Alexandria
Gavin's Egyptology Pages - has Carter field notes and photos, and other historical material
Amelia Ann Edwards
Virtual Egypt - the daily Papyrus
Interactive journey through Egypt
The pyramids
Theban mapping project
Rosetta Stone - photo ||
Rosetta Stone - photo ||
Rosetta Stone - photo of text ||
Rosetta Stone - translation
Rosetta Stone - start of a series of slides
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The Hittite HomePage
Encyclopedia of the Orient - Hittites
Catal Huyuk
Catal Huyuk - Cambridge University Site
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The Perseus Project - * This has it all * - Archaeology, History, Geography, Maps, Greek Texts, Language - Grammar, Syntax. The texts can be read and printed out in English and/or Greek. To read the Greek texts one needs to download and install the Greek browser fonts which can also be accessed from this site. The Site can be confusing at first, but it's well worth getting used to.
Hellenic Culture
Knossos Web
Palace of Knossos
The Minoans & The Myceneans (part of the World Civilizations Site)
The Classical Origins of Western Culture (course material at Brooklyn College)
The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean - course at Dartmouth College
Phaistos Disk - review of translations etc
Phaistos Disk, Linear A, Linear B - more links on the Alphabet Link Page
Photo Gallery of Greek and Roman objects
Neolithic Greece
Dimini, Greece - Neolithic and Mycaenean
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Rome - History Resource Center
Archaeology Interactive Dig - Pompei
Pompeii Forum Project
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ABZU - Resources for Near Eastern Archaeology
ABZU - Reports on Archaeological Sites in the Near East
Ancient History & Archaeology of the Middle East
Ancient Near Eastern Texts - ANET
Ancient World Civilizations and Religions - great list of links
Ancient World Web
An Atlas of the Greek and Roman World
Arch Net
Archaeological Site Photos - Oriental Institute
Archaeology Home Page maintained by Prof. Longstaff, Colby College
Archaeology News Archive at Texas A & M
"Archaeology on the Net" Web Ring (some of the sites a bit strange)
Archaeology on the WWW
Argos - search the Ancient and Medieval InterNet
"BiblePlaces" - high-resolution images of archaeological sites
Biblical and Archaeological Photos - free downloads
Biblical Archaeological Society (BAS)
BAS Slide Sets
Biblical Archaeology
California Institute for Ancient Studies
Classics and Archaeology Page - University of Michigan - enormous list of links
The Council for British Archaeology - lists currents digs and activities in Britain
Dig Scythian artifacts - Take part in real archaeological expeditions
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Game - Papyrus Puzzle
Game - Chicken Little Puzzle
History of the Ancient Near East - Electronic Compendium
Images from History
Incirli Stela
K. C. Hanson's Collections of Ancient Documents
Kev's Archaeology Forum
Near East Archaeological Society (run by Kev)
Myths and Legends
On the Frankincense Trail
Texts for Ancient and Classical writers
The Ultimate Tree-Ring Pages
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Carnegie Museum
The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit
The Kelsey Museum - online exhibits, archaeological digs
The Oriental Institute - The University of Chicago
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ANET - Ancient Near Eastern Texts
American Society of Papyrologists
Center for the study of ancient documents, Oxford University
Duke Papyrus Archive
Princeton University Library papyrus Home Page
The Tebtunis Papyri
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The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean at Dartmouth College
The Classical Origins of Western Culture - course material at Brooklyn College
Ancient History & Archaeology of the Middle East at the University of Texas
Introduction to Archaeological Studies II from the University of Texas
UTexas archaeology - images
Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory at the University of Texas
Anthropology 110 at the University of Kansas
Neolithic and early Old World Civilizations at the University of Kansas
World Civilizations - the site is a bit confusing, but there are good pages on Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Hebrews
Archaeology at the University of California, Santa Barbara
UCSD Archaeology Field School - the pictures are very slow loading
UCSD Course Exercises
Archaeology of Syria-Palestine - Course
The Bible and History - Course at George Fox University
University of Missouri - Iklaina - Greece - Good Page on Survey of a Site, and daily schedule
U of Missouri - Linear B
Canadian Universities Archaeological Dig in Jordan - Digging conditions at Wadi ath-Thamad
Canadian Universities Archaeological Dig in Jordan - follow the pages for information on conditions
Lycoming College - Biblical Archaeology Course - with handouts
Dig in Cyprus - Lycoming College - conditions for students, Field School, etc.
Archaeology of the Levant
Western Civilization - Mesopotamia
Archaeology and the Bible
Image list for HST291
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The threat to World Heritage in Iraq
Protecting the Iraq National Museum in the event of war - Archaeology vol 56.3, May/June 2003
Looting Nineveh - Archaeology, December 30, 1996
Baghdad Museum looting - the truth? - The Guardian
Iraq Museum looting - Hoaxes, Hype, Humiliation - The Washington Post
Iraq Museum thefts
Afghanistan Museum under Siege - Archaeology 49.2 March/April 1996
Afghanistan Museum under Siege - Archaeology April 20, 1998, update
Cultural Terrorism in Afghanistan - destruction of Buddha statues
Destruction in Afghanistan - Archaeology 54.3 March 2, 2001
Plundering Afghanistan - the illegal antiquities trade - Archaeology 55.2 March/April 2002
Tilya Tepe treasure found safe - Archaeology 56.6 November/December 2003
James Ossuary
James Ossuary - rebuttal of above position
Doug's Archaeology site - deals with frauds, lots of other resources
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Kapatija - Links to Web Sites in Aegean Archaeology, and others
Archaeology links
Archaeology links
Online Resources for teaching Archaeology
Archaeology on the Net
Archaeology on the Net - web Ring
Archaeology on the Net - teaching resources
Mediterranean Archaeology Resources
Archaeology and Classics links
Archaeology links
Paul's Bookmarks - archaeology and ancient cultures
Ancient Greece links
Ancient Mediterranean links
Classics Library - includes archaeological links
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
Arch and Anth links, at Texas State U
Archaeology and Classics - Latin etc.
Archaeology of Ancient Cultures
Classics Metapages
Links for Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations - ASOR Outreach Site
Archaeological links - at maxPages
Arch and Anth links - at U. of Arizona
Greek Classical Archaeology links - at Dartmouth College
Links for seminarians and clergy
World Wide Web Sites relating to the Ancient Mediterranean
Links for Middle East Mesopotamia
Loads of Archaeology links
KWSNet Archaeology links
Index for abstracts of Middle East archaeology articles
Art History links - also good for Archaeology
Ancient History Sourcebook
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Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved
Dr. Rollinson
PO Box 70
NM 88102
Last Updated : July 17, 2017
