RELG 402 - World's Living Religions


The following information is provided as a general guide for the students of the RELG 402 Online Course, taught by Dr. Rollinson at ENMU.
If the schedule needs to be adjusted, students will be informed at the appropriate time.
NOTE : This page gives the subjects to be covered each week, with the relevant text-book readings.
There are Tests and Discussions to be completed each week, and several Essays due on various dates during the semester.

Tests are generally due by 12 noon on the Monday of the next week (unless that day is a holiday.)
Due Dates are given on the Assignments Page.

Tentative Class Schedule

Week Topics Reading and Research Assignments
Week 1 Introduction to the Course
Religion and World-View
Features common to most Religions
Textbook - Chapter 1
Notes on Worldview
Introductory Notes on Religions
Module 1
Essay 1
Week 2 Judaism Textbook - Chapter 11 Module 2
Week 3 Zoroastrianism
Messianic Judaism
Textbook - chapter10
InterNet Resources
Week 4 Christianity Textbook - Chapter 12
Notes on Christian denominations
Notes on Christian Leaders
Notes on Christianity
Module 4
Essay 2
Week 5 Christian Denominations and
New Religious Movements
Chapter 14 (partial)
Notes on Christian denominations
Notes on Christian New Religious Movements
InterNet Resources
Module 5
Week 6 Islam Textbook - Chapter 13
Notes on Islam
Module 6
Week 7 Druze
Nation of Islam
Textbook - Chapter 14 (partial)
Notes on the Druze
Notes on Baha'i
InterNet Resources
Module 7
Essay 3
Week 8 Hinduism Textbook - Chapter 4
Notes on ISKON
Module 8
Week 9 Buddhism Textbook - Chapter 5
Notes on Buddhism in Japan
Notes on Zen Buddhism
Module 9
Week 10 Jainism Textbook - Chapter 6
Notes on Jains
Module 10
Essay 4
Week 11 Sikhism Textbook - Chapter 7
Notes on Sikhs
Module 11
Week 12 Chinese Traditional Religion, Confucianism, Taoism Textbook - Chapter 8
Notes on Chinese History
Notes on Chinese Traditional Religion
Notes on Chinese Festivals
Module 12
Week 13 Japanese Religions Textbook - Chapter 9
Notes on Shinto
Notes on Buddhism in Japan
Notes on Zen Buddhism
Notes on Christianity in Japan
Module 13
Essay 5
Week 14 Indigenous Religions Textbook - Chapter 2
Textbook, pages 542-543 - Rastas
Notes on Navajo Religion
Notes on Hopi Religion
Notes on Zuni Religion
Notes on Rastas
Module 14
Week 15 New Religious Movements Textbook - chapter 14
Notes on Christian New Religious Movements
Notes on ISKCON
InterNet Resources are provided
Module 15
Term Papers
Week 16 Final Exam Week
Three Three Term Papers, due 9 am, Monday of Finals Week.

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Station 19, ENMU
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 10, 2023

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